Mohave County Home Shopper March 2015 | Page 10

From the city of Kingman! EASTER FUN Instructor: Parks and Recrea on Staff Join us for a fun and relaxing relaxing class for children ages four to ten years. While Easter eggs are boiling children will be busy crea ng a simple bunny project then stuffing it with goodies. Also, they will round out the day decora ng six eggs just in me for their Easter celebra ons! DAY/DATE:Saturday, March 28 TIME: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. AGES: Four to 10 years of age COST: $5 per child MIN: 5, MAX: 15 LOCATION: Centennial Park Community Center Kitchen ‐ 3345 Harrison Street SPRING BREAK CAMP It's back and a lot of fun! Spring Break Camp is a week of fun and games along with a field trip and snacks twice a day. Some ac vi es include a trip to the bowling alley, making sundaes, scooter races, board games, foosball, arts and cra s and much much more! Children will enjoy a fun‐filled week of supervised ac vi es and parents can feel at ease knowing their child is par cipa ng in a supervised recrea on program rather than being una ended at home. Pre‐registra on is required. If a minimum of 20 par cipants is not met by Monday, March 2 the program will be cancelled. DAYS/DATES: Monday through Friday, March 16 through March 20 TIMES: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. AGES: Six through 12 years of age COST: $70 per child MIN: 20, MAX: 60 LOCATION: Palo Chris School Gym ‐ 500 Maple Street