How can one give this as a gift? It is easy to purchase one
of our Original Belly Works Kit. Simply go to the website:, place your order, and you
should receive the kit in the mail with 3-5 business days.
As the age of first time motherhood creeps
you find that women crave more mementos?
Absolutely! Some women have selected to wait, for
various reasons, to start their families and they are very
excited about their pregnancy. They are eager to capture
and savor EACH & EVERY moment.
What would you consider is your biggest business success
to date? With every belly that we complete, I consider it
a success. There is a lot of work that goes into finishing
a customized belly sculpture. We want our clients , in
regards to the final design, to be as involved in the decision
making process as possible so when we have helped them
see their vision on the belly canvas, then we are successful.