MOF-BUDGET-COMM-ONLY-8.5x11in-5-22-FINAL-DIG | Page 17

Madam Speaker : As I come to the end of my presentation in my first full budget communication , I wish to share this reflection : this is a time of great challenge for our country , but also a time of great opportunity . There is no doubt that the world ’ s problems -- from intensifying hurricanes to deadly viruses to energy shocks and supply chain interruptions – have all washed up on our shores . The perils are real – but so is the promise of what we can become , if we move forward together . This budget provides a foundation to strengthen our nation , to lift ourselves up , to face the future with strength and optimism .
This budget provides support for the here and now , and also charts the way forward for a brighter tomorrow .
Madam Speaker : In taking our country forward , I am confident that this budget does just that , and I commend it to the House .