MoEA/EAI Exhibition Catalogs 2020 Global Warming is REAL | Page 2

of Encaustic Art proudly presents: STIC/WAX JURIED EXHIBITION ing is REAL rming Is REAL. Something that has been p of our minds for quite some time. As reports and photos document the in our earth’s atmosphere, we become to how global warming impacts us now e future. As global organizations such as nd many others document the scientific begin to assimilate and personalize the on. A creative interpretation of the artists’ thoughts and feelings on this expressed through art are at the heart of ition. The juror, Diane Burko, made her based on interpretation of the Global is REAL theme as well as the quality of the artwork. xamination of the theme. collaboration of the Roaming Writers, an authors who love the Earth, her places and u’ll find the selected artists’ statements and of the Roaming Writers written in response to the text. c Art