It looks like all that singing about princes and knights in shining armor have finally paid off: Taylor Swift has been transformed into a princess.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" is the new way to score a date with Taylor Swift. After all, she's the latest celebrity to be turned into a Disney princess by legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz.
In an ad campaign for Disney Parks, Leibovitz has turned a number of celebs into famous Disney characters. During her look at the villains of Disney, Queen Latifah became The Little Mermaid's evil Ursula, and Alec Baldwin turned into the "Mirror, Mirror on the wall."
Meanwhile, other princesses have included Penelope Cruz as Belle, J-Lo as Jasmine (with Marc Anthony as her Aladdin), and Jessica Biel as Pocahontas. She turned the spritely Ellen DeGeneres into Tinkerbell!
The ads are a mix of artistry. The makeup work, the set design, the photography and, of course, the digital touch-ups all turn Leibovitz's already perfect photographs into magical Disney advertisements.
When it was time to look for her next transformation, it only made sense to choose Taylor Swift. After all, she's been preening and posing like a princess since the moment she strummed her way into our lives. (Except for the times she's opted for sneakers to make a point about how she's not really girly or princess-like at all.)