Roman Road to Neotango
Elio Astor
I fell in love with the tango in 1993, and I’ve been DJing since 2003. I remember the spirit of of those days, when I
started dancing. The masters invited the students to develop each their own dance style. There was room for true
socianility, without competitions and championships and no one was telling you which tango you must or must not
dance. Tango was alive and expressed in the character of each of us.
We were in a way, more eccentric, a bit more elegant.
But, we always with great respect for each other, and
the nature of the dance, reflected in our personality and
phisicality. We found our own spirit, enjoying the evening
as tangueros and expressing in the dance our own way
of being. This was the way tango was taught by many
teachers. The slogan find your tang