There are the milongas that are only occasionally or-
ganized such as Milonga del Salice, la Milonga Colegiala
located at the splendid Lago di Bracciano, la Milonga
del Borgo a Grottaferrata, organized by Stefania Tormen-
ta Panucci, I Giardini di Fresedo a Frascat organized on
some summer dates in a resort with breathtaking views.
Milongas in Rome have the habit of closing down many
of the traditional milongas with parquet floors and air
conditioning at the end of June to go outdoors in places
with improvised floors and sticky with moisture, With
mobile toilets and often far from the dance floor, with
people overflowing with sweat and tangled music that
blends with the techno of the restroom. It is difficult
to review the summer milongas. Sometimes they take
place in the outdoor spaces of the Winter milongas. The
Summer milongas are held in a variety of locations —
bathing establishments, parks, swimming pools, parking
lots turned into ballrooms, hotel terraces, etc. The pro-
gramming is intense but the locations change frequently.
Many tango evenings take place in professionally
equipped restaurants or bars. Others are held in less
equipped rooms with a bar area and perhaps a small
buffet. For some time, some milongas like Tanguera and
MUST have offered tangueros a tray of croissants of
various flavorsm at around 01:30 in the morning, to give
the dancers some energy before closing.
The Roman milongas are generally transcend age differ-
ences. Exceptions are some popular milongas, such as
Kriminal and 100celle, which are frequented by a defi-
nitely younger and inexperienced dancers. If an older
group suits your taste, then Cascabelito and Giardino del
Tango are what you are looking for.
Rome also regularly offers milonghe di genere nights
where all taboos are rmoved and dancers are free to
express themselves with impunity. The Milonga Mal-
querida is an event of this type where Cristiano Bra-
mani and Walter Venturini will make you feel at home.
One very interesting type of events are the sin cortinas
milongas where you dance hasta muerte, You will rarely
see people seated or ladies making upholstery. Everyone
dances as if there is no tomorrow, often to a selection of
tangos for those who love contamination and electron-
ica. This happens regularly on Wednesday at Neolonga
— Le 2 Porte at Cupa 5 Street with Elio Astor as the DJ.
Many vistors from outside Rome complain that the
dancing does not live up to their expectations for such
a large city with so may tangueras. Many complain of of
particular places. But perhaps, it is an intrinsic feature
of Rome, in every aspect of it. The empire has existed
over a millennium ago. But. there are many still move as
legionnaires out to conquer and dominate territories..
This is definitely one thing that could be improved.
Rome has its indigenous DJs who offer a variety of styles..
There is something for everyone, from the traditional to
the most daring contemporary music. Lately, there has
developed vinyl evenings. These are events where you
only listen to tango vinyls. These are very fashionable,
and very vintage! Until a few years ago, DJs were mostly
men. But for some years, many women have entered
the art form with great results. They have brought eith
them a wealth musi. Some Roman DJs have become so
good, that their fame has gone beyond the city walls
and are in demand both nationaly and internationaly.
There is a history of tango taxi dancing in Rome. In the
past, there were men who would dance single wom-
en, in exchange for money. There were even groups of
women who would organize themselves to divide the
expense. It is a very limited phenomenon. Sometimes,
the milonga organizers would facilitate these men, per-
haps with a free drink, to maintain a considerable pres-
ence on the dance floor with particular attention to
less-favored women.
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