Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 8

The Wearied Sun gently parting with the sea at this hour you confessed there was no love I was saddened only slightly without anguish, without sorrow At this hour your words resound. As we part, I will not be angry The fault is ours, yours and mine. The composition was recorded by the Tsfasman orches- tra in 1937, and became an instant hit. The original title was Parting. But, th public quickly turned it into Wearied Sun. The original singer was Pavel Mihailov. Later, Leo- nid Utyosov sang this tango, and once again regaining popularity. Another sad and sarcastic tango is the song Na Boasya- novskoy Otkrilasya Pivnaya (On Bogasyanovskaya Street, A New Drinking Saloon Opened), was produced in the mid- 30s by Strongilla Irtlach, Russian-speaking singer of Turkish origin. She had not sung tangos. She was a professional singer of Roma and Russian ballads. Her brilliant artist- ry allowed her to experiment with genres of tango and jazz. Obviously, On Bogasyanovskaya ... was recorded un- officially, by chance, and perhaps at a home concert. The music of this tango is by the Argentine composer Angel Villoldo, and it was originally called El Choclo. The Russian lyrics were written around 1912. The lyrics of these bal- lads, and chansons are street slang stories of criminal life, often using Fenya slang language, a Russian equivalent to Lunfardo, A closer examination shows that the song sung by Strongilla is derived from songs by the Jewish songwrit- ers, Yasha Yadov or Miron Yampolsky. Despite the jargon, tango is a mockery of Fenya. It was laughed at by lovers of ballads in educated aristocratic circles. Here is a brief retelling of the events, described in this marvelous tango — On Bogasyanovskaya The story is about one evening in a drinking sa- loon on Bogasyanovskaya street. The storyteller, was in the saloon and that it was the place for criminals. There were some girls with their com- panion Vas’ka, the pimp. One of the prettiest girls, Rosa, enters the saloon, accompanied by Vas’ka, She is as pretty as a Dionysus maiden. Vas’ka is holding Rosa’s arm like a handle of a streetcar. He begs her to dance with him this last tango. At ex- actly this moment another man, Aronchik, a for- eigner, invites her to dance in very gentle manner. — 8 — Lolita Torres announcement in Russian TO SUBSCRIBE, CLICK HERE