Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 36
Tango Book Review
Tango Awareness
Alexandru Eugen Cristea
by Mauricio Castro
This is by far one of the books that have changed the way Argentine Tango is taught and understood around the world.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, master Mauricio Castro has
solid musical education. He attended Berklee College of Music
in Boston, studying contemporary dance and movement tech-
niques, like Laban Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals and the
Skinner Releasing Technique. He then extended his studies into
Human Sciences in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Human Engi-
neering and Human Ecology.
Unhappy with the present approach of teaching tango and consid-
ering it old-fashioned and unreliable for the present day student,
he has developed a coherent method that he called Tango Discov-
ery. Although his personal way of dancing could be called tango
nuevo, Tango Discovery is a method and not a dancing style. The
method that can be successfully applied to teaching any particular
style of tango such as milonguero or tango salon.
The Tan go Discovery method of learning is based on three skills:
tango awareness, organic structure and 100% improvisation. This first
book introduces tango awareness, the way people lead and follow
the basic movements in Argentine tango.
Considering that tension in the embrace reduces the pleasure for
both partners and fixed sequence of steps are often too difficult
and too ancient to learn for the modern, intelligent tango enthusi-
ast, he has developed special exercises that boost tango skills after
a few exercises.
The concepts described in the Tango Awareness book are clearly explained in a modern and funny language that will
make you laugh and enjoy the book. Learning to enjoy leading and following with any partner is just the beginning of
a wonderful journey in this book. Changing following from being a passive boring activity to a fun and enjoyable ride
is very easy. Master Mauricio Castro says that this can be done by understanding the fusion points (gestures by the
partner) and simply by enjoying the music.
The book also contains social and psychological exercises to improve your behavior and enjoyment of the milonga for
both the man and women. Some of them may seem funny or strange, but as a person who has tried them all, I can
definitely acknowledge their tremendous value. These practical exercises will also help you gain a more elegant, flexible
and responsive posture. I recommend the book as a break-through in the present day teaching methodology. It is useful
for beginners and advanced students, and it is a great help for the open-minded teacher of tango.
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