Modern Tango World N° 6 (Montreal, Quebec) | Page 47

Carousel (Calesita) This is a rotation in which the follower stands erect on the ball of her foot and the leader rotates the follower by walking around in a tight circle around the follower. The leader may walk forward or backward, clockwise or counterclockwise. The most commona version is to walk backwards counterclockwise around the follower. It frequently begins with an outside parada of the follower’s left foot. The follower is then swiveled on the supporting foot. The rotation may be from 90 to 360°. If this is done, the leader needs to prepare the follower to slightly lean out. Often, the follower may grasp the the leader’s bicep for a secure hold. The leader’s marque may very. But, a slight lift or raising up is a common indication. The start of the carousel is often led by a slight lifting of the follower’s torso. The parada may be closed into a sandwich of the follower’s foot, permiting a slight colgada at the start.The carousel may also be terminated in a haigh gancho or boleo, depending on the direction of rotation. Rotation in Parallel (Revolucíon) Dancing in mirror image, both dancers step forward to touch insteps. If with right foot, both swivel on the right, clockwise. If on the left, they rotate counter clockwise. Their free foot may be in a variety of positions. Sepentine (Serpentina) The leader steps around the follower with forward swivels. The steps are forward around, swivel sidetep, repeat. The follower may stand still or swivel on a single foot. The leader’s inside hand is at the follower’s waist. Round Fans (Planeos) The follower fans her free leg out as the follower rotates. To accomplish this, the follower must be lowered, so that the follower bend the supporting leg, and extend the free leg. The leader then rotates between 90 to 180°. Exceptional dancers can make this 240°. The move may end with a gancho, as the follower is raised to a standing position. Here are a few moves in which a dancer spins, while the partner more or less stands still. They are rather special moves that should only be used for very special ocassions. Spiral Pivot (Espiral) May be done by either partner. The dancer steps forward, wraps the free leg around the standing leg, and using the forward momentum, spins on the ball of the standing foot. Marionette (Marioneta) The leader holds the follower’s hand above her head so that the follower spins beneath it. The leader may induce more rapid rotation by swirling his hand. Cobra (Cobra) Same as the marionette except that the follower is lowered & raised up again. To accomplish this the follower must extend her free leg outward, and the leader must provide space for her extended leg. Lastly, let’s consider the rotations in which the partners share an axis between them. Shared axis rototions are some of the more elegant types of rotations. They frequently include hanging away from each other, in a colgadas. Double Molinete (La Orbita) In this case, both partners go around a central point, mirroring each other’s moves. Timing is everything in this move. The steps may be accompanied by a slight leaning away (colgada). Double Round Fan (Planeo Doble) The partners dance in parallel reflection, both partners on the same foot. about a shared axis. The partners must keep their shoulders parallel, and face each other, as they lower their bodies, bend their standing legs and extend their free legs. They should both be standing on the same foot with their feet side-by-side. Depending on the stance, different finish results may be produced, such as pasada, boleo, cuatro. Counter Round Fan (Contra Planeo) Similar to the double round, except that the dancers are standing on opposite feet. For example the man is on his right, and the follower is on her left. They must be standing toe-to-toe before they begin.Both extend their feet to a cross behind, possibly with a touch, to broad lowered opening. They may then continue with a semi-circular sweep of the floor, in mirror reflection as they rise to a closed position. . — 47 — To Subscribe, Click here