Modern Tango World N° 6 (Montreal, Quebec) | Page 36
MTW: What about the not-so-known usage of vo- Her voice comes directly from her feelings, truthcals of Electrocutango.
ful and convincing, without any sort of theatrical
acting. That’s why I admire her so much as a singer.
Sverre: In Buenos Aires I met with Astor Piaz- MTW: What can you tell us about your current projzolla’s lyricist Horacio Ferrer, . Their outstanding ects and your plans for the future of Electrocutango?
work, the operita, Maria de Buenos Aires, had been
an insiration. We toured with him as a narrator and Sverre: I am currently working on a third ElecJulia Zenko as a singer. I had been working with trocutango album. I’m not yet sure about the direction it’s going to take. I think it will use inspiJulia for some years.
ration from the experience of
the first album Felino. I am also
working with a film director on
a movie score, and on the mixing process of another record,
which will not be by Electrocutango. It will carry my own
name on it and will feature
Tango for 3, as well as the
Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra. The recording
will still be tango music, or at
least tango filtered through my
own interpretation of it. I actually include two symphonic
arrangements of Electrocutango songs — Retrolonga
and Victoriosa. It was quite
a challenge to re-think these
electronic-born songs without using any machines. It will
be interesting to compare this
new experience with that of
Horacio Ferrer with Sverre Idres Joner
She is the vocalist on all the four sung pieces we
have made, so far. They are all tributes to pre-existing tango, new tango and theatrical masterpieces: Cambalache is one of the all-time most iconic
tangos written by Enrique Santos Discépolo,. Yo
soy Maria is from the aforementioned play Maria
de Buenos Aires by Piazzolla and Ferrer, Renaceré
is also by Piazzolla and Ferrer. The original title was
Preludio para el año 3001. Sin Piel was written by
Eladia Blázquez.
MTW: That’s great! We can’t wait to hear more of
your music. Modern Tango World will stay tuned
for all your future releases. Sverre, thank you very
much for sharing your wonderful experience with us!
When it comes to tango singing, I personally think
that in many cases it sounds very much like theatre.
Many vocalists seem to try to fit old-fashioned ways
of singing into the piece, building strong, emotiondriven lines, as if they are painting a picture that goes
back in time. I find Julia to be different from that.
She sings in a straight and yet emotional way,
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