Snapshot of the Mexico Tango Music Scene
Miguel Garcia
Orquesta Mexicana Tango
The tango scene in Mexico is mostly Gardelian. Since the early decades of the twentieth century, the Gardel phenomenon found a home in Mexico, as it did in almost all Spanish-speaking
countries. The importance of beginning is not lost among regular listeners of the River Plate
music in Mexico, which has resulted in a preference sung tango compared to other forms.
Later, the immigration of Argentines and their
distinguished music and films enriched the range
of styles and preferences of tango reaching the
Mexican audience. The taste for instrumental
tango is fairly recent, by comparison. The arrival
in Mexico of a spectrum of tango music, from
the Canaro brothers, through Mariano Mores
to Piazzolla and Pugliese, had much to do with
the predilection of the public taste for tango.
These were exceptional moments in our country’s history.
There is a natural mutual admiration between
tango musicians and Mexican musicians. As an
example, see the album Tango in Mexico, with
invaluable work of Gastón Martinez Matiella.
Some musicians left, others came, some stayed
and remains here today. There are many Mexican artists engaged in the culture of tango, There
are also many Rio Plate artists who have stopped
in Mexico enrichinh the urban music in our land.
This has has preserve tngo’s traditions while remains true to the corrent times.
But, the subject of this article is not the history of
tango in Mexico. I leave
that subject to music historians.These lines of text
are intended to review of
the tango ensembles and
assemblies which constitute the current scene
in Mexico — a kind of
snapshot of tango as it
is currently in our country. I won’t deal lyricists
and composers, as the list
would grow beyond what
these pages could contain. Instead, I will focus
only on those tango artists who frequently participate in shows, milongas, concerts or festivals.
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