Modern Tango World N° 5 (Mexico) | Page 3

Modern Tango World: Number 1, Summer, 2015 — Neolonga Syndicate, Via Maestra Riva 124, Riva da Pinerola, Italy M o d e r n Ta n g o W o r l d Mexico Special Edition Editor Mauricio Salvador Table of Contents Mexico Special Features Milongas in the Park Roberto González ......................... 3 Snapshot of the Mexican Music Scene Miguel Garcia .6 A New Generation Mauricio Salvador ............................ 12 G u i d e to Ta n g o i n M e x i c o ................................................. 16 Visual Tango Poems Murat Erdemsel ................................... 22 Interview with Plaza Francia Marco Buso ....................... 26 Tango Therapy Around the World ..................................... 30 Movie Review: Tango Pasion Alexandru Eugen Cristea .....33 New Tango Music Arndt Büssing ............................................. 34 Horacio Salgan: Tango Giant .................................................. 38 DJ/VJ-ing - A VJ Manifesto Zarah Cabanas ................................ 40 Tango Moves: caminando Raymond Lauzzana ................. 44 Letters to the Editor ..................................................................... 47 We are always looking for tango news and stories from around the international tango community. If you would like to join us, send us your stories and news from your tango group. We welcome your participation in this exciting adventure. —1— To Subscribe, Click here