Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 48

Cradled Hold ( Cunita ) Partners face the same direction , as in the doble frente . The follower may be to the right or left of the leader . Their arms crossed over each other and wrapped around the follower . The leader ’ s arms are over the follower ’ s arms and wrapped around her waist . The partners hold opposite hands . The follower may be shifted from left to right . Often , the follower leans back . to face the leader .
Reversed Promenade ( Paseo Reverso ) Partners face opposite directions , side by side with hips in contact .
Butterfly Hold ( Mariposa ) From open hold , facing partners raise clasped opposite hands to shoulder level or above . The leader ’ s left hand holds follower ’ s right . All four hands are held aloft forming the shape of a Y-shape .
Open Hold ( Gentlemanos ) Typical salsa position . Partners face each other with opposing hands held . The follower ’ s hands on top of the leader ’ s .
Crossed Hand Hold ( Con Mismo Mano ) Same as open hold , except that hands are crossed , so that right holds right , and left holds left . Right hands are usually on top . But , may be changed by subsequent movements .
Pretzel Hold ( Pretzel ) Identical to a crossed hand hold , except that hands are crossed , so that right holds right , and left , left .
Diamond Hold ( Diamante ) Similar to a crossed hand hold , except that hands are double crossed , so that right holds left and a diamond shape is formed by the crossed hands .
Maxexe Hold ( Maxexe ) Facing each other , the dancers clasp their left hands and hold them overhead . Their right hands are at their waist . Dancers frequently sway and swivel their upper bodies while they dance around each other .
Tandem Hold ( Tándem ) Partners face the same direction , one behind the other . Matched hands are held either at the shoulders or on the hip . They move together in same direction . the follower is in front of the leader .
Sidecar Embrace ( Abrazo Compensado ) Same a close embrace , except partners are offset outside each other . They may make hip-tohip contact .
Butterfky Hold ( Mariposa ) — Photo by Juan Mey
Open Butterfly Hold ( Mariposa Abierto ) From butterfly , partners roll out to a single hand hold with arms raised to shoulder level or above . The position appears form a double-Y with partners standing next to each other . Usually , they will return to a butterfly .
Shadow Butterfly ( Sombra Mariposa ) From a shadow position with the leader behind the follwer ,, grasping her hands and forming a Y-shape .
There are many other embraces and holds that the partners may take . It all depends on them and the music . The most imprtant thing , regardless of the embrace taken , is to maintain a connection with your partner . Tango is conscious dance . There maybe dreamy moments , even dreamy dances and tandas . But , awarenes and connection with your partner is essential .
Banjo Embrace ( Abrazo Compensado ) Same as sidecar embrace , but the opposite side .
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