Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 46

Tango Moves B Raymond Lauzzana In the last issue, we talked about the organization of the dance floor and various ways to commence the dance (salidas). Remember, it takes more than music and dancer to tango. The dancer must have a partner. You might and should practice alone. But, you aren’t dancing tango until you have a partner. The essence of how the tango works is the connection (la conexión), the way in which the dancers embrace (el abrazo). There has been a lot of discussion about what the correct embrace should be. Instead of entering into this debate, the various types of embraces will be presented, leaving the reader to decide which embrace suits the music, their style, and their partner. No matter which embrace is chosen, at any time during the dance, it is fundamentally important to maintain a connection. There is a common misconception that there are only two types of embraces - closed and open. In fact, there are many embraces and many ways that the partners may maintain their connection. We’ll explore a few of them. There are many more. In all cases, whether open or closed, a tango embrace is not rigid,. It is firm, but relaxed, like a freindly hug. Basic Embraces First, let’s cover the basic embraces and consider the most common terms used to describe the embrace. In all of the basic forms, the partners face each other with the leader left hand holding the follower’s right hand. Closed Embrace (Abrazo Cerrado) This is probably the most common tango face-to-face embrace, The dancers’ chests are closer to each other than their hips.The dancers may be in contact at about the level of the chest. The point of contact will differ depending on the difference in height of the dancers. In the modern form of closed embrace, the dancers do not hold their upper bodies arched away from their partner. Instead, each dancer maintains their own individual axis. Open Embrace (Abrazo Abierto) A common for all styles of tango dancing. In open embrace, there can be as much space as desired between the partners. In the open embrace, the chests are not in contact. But, complete contact is maintained in the embracing arms to give optimum communication. The dancers do not maintain head-to-head contact and they vary the space between them as they dance. Often, the follower may reduce the embrace to holding the leader’s biceps, while the leader may limit the right hand contact to the follower’s waist during dynamic movements. Same Hand Hold for Doble Frente (Al Reves) Alexandru Eugen Cristea & Alina Pelmus — Photo by Cristian Martis Close Embrace (Abrazo Intimo) Oft times confused with the closed embrace, the close embrace is quite different. Those that dance in close embrace, usually maintain the same embrace thruout the dance and never change their hold. — 46 — To Subscribe, Click here