Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 41

Argentine tango is often confused with American ballroom tango which is much more rigid and structured. Argentine tango is a social dance of improvisation. The roots of Argentine tango go as far back as the first African settlers in the Latin American colony. Typically, what people mistake with Argentine tango is the choreographed dance that is seen on such shows as Dancing with the Stars. Once considered a folk dance, Argentine tango has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. There are now thousands of nightly and weekly dance events., and hundreds of new musical groups around the world. The president’s visit did coincide with the 40th anniversary of a 1976 military coup which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Argentinians. There are talks of declassifying documents on America’s role in this conflict. In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, President Obama has taken a lot of heat over for dancing the tango at a state dinner in Argentina. Some criticized of the president for travelling after the terrorist attacks. In response, President Obama said — That is how we are going to defeat these terrorist groups. A lot of it is also going to be to say, ‘you do not have power over us. We are strong. Our values are right. You offer nothing except death. President Macri is the first Argentine president to make a speech in English. He said that he was fascinated by Obama; and he mentioned that Obama promised to return next year and that they will come back for longer and they will stay for several days in Bariloche, a Swiss village in the Argentine Andes. Macri highlighted — The opportunity for our continent, which forces us to leave behind grudges and resentments of the past with the US to look to the future. .... We have a privileged position that can improve opportunities for its people today, more security and tranquility in everyday life, but for that we must all work together. President Obama stated — This is a new beginning, new era for our hemisphere. I arrive here from Cuba, where the United States has reestablished diplomatic contact Argentine and American, have a lot in common — the values ​​of freedom, commitment to justice, human rights and the rule of law.Thousands of Argentines studied in the US and many Argentines working in American companies. We want to expand these ties in trade, scholarships Afterwards, they dined with 400 guests at the Kirchner Cultural Center — 41 — To Subscribe, Click here