Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 32

And most of us are likewise not willing to toss out all those gorgeous shoes ! Tango dancers get strung out on the endorphins produced by dancing . But I ’ m not talking about just any kind of dancing . Jumping up and down by yourself in a crowded room full of people jumping up and down may be a great cardio workout but it ’ s not going to make your body produce endorphins . No , for that you need the close physical touch and embrace of Tango .
Dance , surrender , reciprocate to the leader ’ s moves , send him silent messages , take advantage of this tango to say the impossible , to speak words that no man will ever understand , a message that no woman can say with words . Pass secrets to him , … allow him to feel the mysteries of your body wrapped in diligent giros , in tiny steps … Do what comes naturally , don ’ t think about what others will say . Play tranquilly , surrender to each other , that ’ s what tango ’ s all about , this celebration that puts your heart in your legs and your head in heaven . It occurs to me that Right / Left brain concept just might embody the very essential nature of our universe . I don ’ t think I want to mess with that ! That would be like cracking the cosmic yin / yang . Seas would part , we might all be walking on water with no water wings . Maybe these contradictions are what Dark Matter is made of , you know , the invisible ruling force of our universe .
The Chinese figured this out a long time ago . The I Ching describes this delicate balance of opposites . I ’ m beginning to think that it may also explain the addictive power of Tango , despite ( or because of ?) its stunning , mindwrenching contradictions ! Without our very own Tanguero duality there would be no Pugliese , no Piazzolla , no bandoneón , no tango shoes ! What a sad dark silent universe it would be ! Geez , do I sound like a Right-brainer ? No kidding ! Glad you finally figured it out ! Alright , end of discussion . You ’ re addicted and you know it . You ’ re secretly quite pleased with yourself . In fact , you wouldn ’ t trade places with anyone . Tango is the illness and the cure . This quote you can print out and pin on the fridge , dangle it recklessly on top of your work computer , wear it in a locket close to your heart
— You keep doing it — Every time you do it you feel happy — It turns your life upside down but you don ’ t care .
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