Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 16

Pablo Inza :
I immediately invited him to play at his regular Sunday milonga in the historic Ghika Palace . When over 100 people attending , the event was a success . This was nearly twuce as many attendees as the usual milongas in Bucharest . With this start , he begins to play tango for dancers in the milongas . Soon after that , other schools , like Tangotangent and Fabrica de Tango , began to organize events where he played live tango music .
It was during this time that he , with pianist Diana Zavalas , became advisors for the musicality aspects of the first Argentine tango book in Romanian , Manual de Tango by myself . This book was then presented at the Embajada de Argentina by His Excellency , Mr . Perez Paladino , Ambassador of Argentina in Romania . Tango Lessons in the name for the English edition of the book .
In 2009 Tudor recorded with Mihai Melinescu his first album of Latin American songs . In 2011 , he recorded his first solo Argentinian Tango album , Flores de Alma .
In the past few years , he has performed concerts in Tel Aviv , Milano , Ankara , Istanbul , Vienna playing various styles music , including Argentine tango . He is a regular artist at Hanu ’ Berarilor , the well known Bucharest restaurant , and Hanul Manuc , the oldest operating hotel in Bucharest .
Soon , a second milonga was planned , which was also a success and after that he was invited to other milongas to play live tango music . Because good news travel fast , people from nearby countries , such as Germany and Switzerland , discovered him from the tango forums on the Internet and invited him to play at their milongas , which allowed him to have numerous concerts in Toulouse , Caen , Dinoze , Basel , Kehl , Heidelberg , and other cities .
Today , you can still listen to Tudor Anghelescu playing authentic Argentine tango music , every other day . in Bucharest . If you are ever here , do not miss the chance to hear him !
After returning to Romania , he contacted all the tango schools and proposed playing at the local milongas . At first , there was little positive response . But , destiny often takes a hand . While he was playing on the terrace of a restaurant in Bucharest , he was approached by an independent milonga organizer at that time , namely me .
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