Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 11
Over the years, we have taken impor tant workshops with great maestros, such as Stella Misse,
Geraldine Rojas, Ezequiel Paludi, Virginia Pandolfi, Sebastian Achaval, Roxana Suarez, Max
Van de Voorde, Solange Acosta, Jorge Rodriguez, Liliana Rodriguez, Carlos Perez, Rosa
Perez, Jose Almar, Juliana Aparicio, Sebastian
Jimenez, Maria Ines Bogado, Ney Melo, Santiago Castro, Antonella Terrazas, Jose Fernandez
and Martina Waldman. It has been a fantastic oppor tunity to work with all these amazing
maestros to receive their tango ar t and knowledge! Do not hesitate to do the same!
Therefore, I proposed to Csongor, the youngest
tango leader there, to disconnect of the other
couples and the existence of a jury, to take the
attitude of dancing me in ronda at a festival, connecting with me and the music with the tango.
We needed to feel naturally absorbed in our
veins. And, we needed to think of the other couples our friends and co workers, not competitors.
I transmitted my calm to him, and the vibe to to
keep all in balance. I consider it to be impor tant
that the woman does this in a couple, for suppor t.
maestro Arce agreed to my thoughts.
The 2015 European Championship brought us a very
challenging, intense, incredible
experience! I had always considered the tango championship actually a display of the
tango quality, technical knowhow and spirituality. I had previously studied and absorbed
a respect for tango essence
and culture. All of this was
naturally present in the dance
and improvisation of each
couple on the floor. The three
tangos announced during the
competition, just before the
dance begins, in front of a jury
of Argentine maestros. The jurors can give a recognition to
the couple whom they consider most accomplished.
I never saw it as a competition, in the literal sense of
competing. on the dance floor
for a cup against other couples. I believe this diminishes
from the genuineness of dancing tango, the jury notices it
anyways and the result will
not be the desired one anyway. I really believe that the
jur y wants to see people relaxed, who dance for themselves, passionate about tango
insights, not about the title!
World Tango Championships
in Buenos Aires
— 11 —
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