Modern Tango World N° 3 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) | Page 43

Cortinas create an emotionally neutral transition be- Let’s take a romantic vals like Tardes de Bolonha. I need tween the different moods. Although he refers to tra- the first vals to tune in to the woman who might be a ditional music Royce has put it very well: stranger to me and get into the mood. I can only fully enjoy the second and hopefully the third vals. But if I’m so much into the music that, I need a break after the first vals, there follows some monotonous in-between tandas or something to make me heavy pounding by Otros Aires or Gotan Project, all forget about the previous tanda. Otherwise, I will our mood and pleasure are lost again. have a hard time to pull my emotion out from what has been played, then I cannot dance the My basic structure of tandas looks like this, — next set of music. In a nutshell, I cannot immeThree songs in each tanda, separated by a cortina: diately jump from Di Sarli to Donato, I need Tango tanda - dynamic, lively and cheerful something to wash away my Di Sarli mood so Tango tanda - medium tempo that I can change myself into Donato mode, Milonga tanda and that’s what cortina means to me. I don’t Tango tanda - calm, romantic and sad need a very long cortina, a 20 or 30 second corTango tanda - medium tempo tina is good enough. Vals tanda Repeat everything from the beginning I see it exactly the same way, my cortinas are thirty seconds. I find cortinas that are much longer, a minute and more, too long. Such long cortinas are often played by DJs, who were in Buenos Aires and try to imitate Buenos Aires customs. What they don’t understand is that cortinas have a different function in Buenos Aires: The primary function of cortinas in Buenos Aires is to clear the dance floor and encourage people to change partners. It is a very practical reason. Cortina is a code of behavior in a milonga. When dancers hear the cortina, everybody will leave the dance floor. If there’s someone who doesn’t know this rule and waits for the next tanda to start on the dance floor, then they will find themselves extremely embarrassed, it happens quite often to the milonga first timer.. Then in Buenos Aires, cortina usually lasts around one minute, sometimes longer sometimes shorter, depends on different DJs and different milongas. If the dance floor is big and there’re lots of dancers, of course it takes more time to clear the dance floor, hence the DJ plays longer cortina, and vice versa. Like in traditional tandas I like to combine similar pieces, for example into a Greek, Turkish or Arab tanda. Sometimes, I make a tanda with various instrumental versions of well-known songs like Adele’s Hello. Other times, I make tandas of only German songs like Fang mich an, Oft gefragt and Lieblingsmensch. Predictability Tandas and cortinas make the music predictable. Let’s imagine someone simply doesn’t like Greek music like Sou Aksize Mia Kaliteri Agkalia If I play this song, he will know: Ok, I can forget the next tanda, because it’s going to be this terrible whiny folk music. I’d better go to the toilet, get a drink or chat with somebody. Each new tanda is a new beginning, and the dancers decide whether or not they will dance, and with whom, according to how it opens. The first song is a sign and a promise of what is to come. Accordingly, You may consider many rules of traditional tandas it is important that the first song accurately poras petty, for example not mixing different orchestras, trays the tanda as a whole. If it does not, the dancers singers or vocal and instrumental. But, a lot of them start to lose trust in the DJ. do make sense. I hate it when I have to dance to music that I don’t The function of tandas is always the same: A tanda is like. When you have a steady partner you can sit both social and musical. It establishes a mood for the down and wait for the next piece. But when you couple to share. For this reason, it’s essential that a dance with an unknown woman, etiquette forbids tanda is coherent. The songs in the tanda should feel to make a pause already after the first dance, only as if they belong together. because you can’t stand the next song. — 43 — To Subscribe, Click here