Modern Tango World N° 3 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) | Page 30

Max Masri — Well, Tanghetto is also a combination of both a massive and a not so massive project. We have played all over the world and we have received very important recognition. We recieved two Gardel Awards andthree nominations to the Latin Grammy’s. But, we are also hard core artists, very bohemian in a way. We have the chance to live both sides of the coin. We’ve had the impact and the flavor of being mainstream, being on television, like MTV, and performing in very important venues of the world, Our music is being played on radios but we also play in local milongas in different places of the world. We are independent with a taste of massiveness. From La Viruta in Buenos Aires to the O2 Arena in London. MTW — Why has the tango, as a genre, been able to capture a larger market in recent years and still remain rather marginal music? Max Masri — Tango was very successful around the world in the ’30s and ’40s but right now for some reason tango people like to keep tango as if it was an exclusive club. Our music has brought many people into the tango, especially young people. I guess tango could be much more popular. It is an amazing music and we have seen how our albums have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Thanks to milongas and to the word of mouth, people talk to each other and spread the magic of dancing and the spirit of tango. But, it could be even bigger than today. Let’s hope it will keep growing with an open mind. MTW — What are your plans in the near future? Max Masri — We are finishing two albums right now. On one of them we’ve been working for many years and it will be released when it’s finished. And the other one, that is called Progressive Tango, is being released in a few days. This album explores the musical extremes of our tango influences. It’s a progression in a way. We feel that there is a progression in our career and for tango itself. The other thing is that we will be touring Europe, again. This will be our 21st European tour and we are very happy that we haven’t stopped gigging around the world for the last ten years. I would love to play in some places that we never played before, it’s our main goal for the next months. But, tango people have to open up their minds and let other people into the scene. Tango has grown all over the world. — 30 — To Subscribe, Click here