Modern Tango World N° 3 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) | Page 12

Pablo Inza: An Interview with Pablo Inza Success is to live life dancing. Martin Delgado & Santiago Beretta A porteño by birth and citizen of the world, Pablo Inza is one of today’s great tango dancers in the world. he is a teacher and event producer, committed to the creation of festivals that are more than a mere exhibition of show tango. Pablo Inza is experiencing a great professional moment. With Sofia Saborido, his current dance partner, he started a tour that has led from country to country and continent to continent. In September, they danced in Australia and the Netherlands and in November will be in Poland and Italy. We chatted with him between presentations and realized that enthusiasm for making not only warns on stage: when he speaks overflowing vitality. The memory of his first tango lesson and cravings so it is discovered seem to move him in the same way. In turn, no longer excited by how much progress was made pedagogically in teaching dance. MTW: Specifically on the subject of dance: What Pablo Inza: I was twenty-two, maybe twenty-four. was attracted you to it? Did you start right with the It happened by accident. I was in Brussels, Belgium, tango or come to it after other genres? and the same friend goes there and suggested I put together a tango course. I said yes, but really did Pablo Inza: Before meeting with the tango, I had not know who might interested in me in Belgium. an experience with theater. I spent some time prac- We made a kind of terrible promotion. But, we ticing and that led me to contemporary dance, also filled the seminar. Instead of one seminar, we gave with the need to use my body as an expression pos- three. It was an unexpected success. sibility. The theater was not enough. MTW: In Brussels, you do not expect to tango? I liked both contemporary and classical dance language. But, I had more classical training. A friend Pablo Inza: No. There was little home for tanurged me to take a tango class and convinced me. go in Brussels. I went to Buenos Aires to study. The first class is for me a brilliant memory. I still I made the trip that make many foreigners who remember that first moment, even though I can’t re- come to study tango. I took the opposite path. member many things or what tango was involved. I Studying in Buenos Aires and then going outside. found the dance to be amazing. Coming from conAfter study in Buenos Aires, I made my first steps temporary dance, where the dance is more individual, directly in Europe. Then I returned to live in Buethere are few partner moments There is a word, pas nos Aires, where I continued studying and investigatde deux, that is used to describe dancing in pairs. But, ing the tango. During that period, I linked up with the embrace; being so close; and being able to do a the stage, working with, among others, Juan Carlos series of movements. Over time, I began to dance, Copes and dancing in the mythical Caño 14. After, but that first moment was shocking. I started traveling, taking the path that many colMTW: How old were you when you start to turn leagues take. There was some growing in me. We are talking about 1999, from then began another age professional tango possibility? — travel! — 12 — To Subscribe, Click here