Modern Tango World N° 11 (Paris, France) | Page 46
Tango Moves
Raymond Lauzzana
Boleo/Latigazo (The Whip or Whiplash) — Any number of led and unleadable leg whip-
ping actions. Often, caused by the leader;s sudden change of direction. as a result, the follower’s free leg is
caused swng behind or crossward. It may swing ether high or low, depending on the dynamics. The follower
keeps her knees together, swiveling on the supporting leg. Thereby, throwing or whipping the free leg. Bo-
leos may be low or high; linear or circular. The corners of the dance floor are the sweet spots, providing an
opportunity for more boistrous moves, such as boleos. High boleos should not be considered when in the
line of danve on a crowded floor fo danger of kicking the couple behind.
Check (Jaque)
Any of a variety of moves in which the leader brakes the
movement of the follower. When aan abrupt change in di-
rection of the follower is induced by the leader, a boleo is
Figure Four (Cuatro)
A follower’s adornment in which she
crosses and raises her leg in front
of the other leg. In this adornment,
the follower’s free leg is crossed at
the knee in front, so that the shin
is parallel to the floor and the toe
pointing downward to form a figure
four. The leg may then waved back
and forth, before being returning to
the floor. If the follower held in close
embrace, a gancho may be induced.
Medium Boleo (Voleo Medio)
This is a boleo in which the follower’s leg is raised only to the
height of the knees. This is best done with the follower’s knees
together., wirh follower’s calf raised parallel to the floor.
Linear Back Boleo (Voleo en Linea Atras)
While walking forward, the
leader abruptly stops or re-
verses the follower’s back-
ward movement, causing in
the follower’s leg to lift into
the air behind of her body.
Linear boleos can be per-
formed on either with the
right or the left leg
Linear Forward Boleo (Voleo
en Linea Adelante)
While walking backwards, the
leader abruptly stops or re-
verses the follower’s forward
linear movement, causing in
the follower’s leg to lift into
the air in front of her body,
either into a cuatro or if close
enough, into a gancho around
the leader’s leg. Linear boleos
can be performed on either
with the right or the left leg
Hook (Gancho)
A variety of moves in which one
dancer hooks their leg sharply
around their partner’s. May be per-
formed on the inside or outside of
either leg, or either partner. Usually
perforned by the follower hooking
their leg around the outside of the
leader’s leg.
Low Boleo (Voleo Bajo)
This is a boleo in which the follower’s leg is raised only as
high as her ankle. Best type of boleo for a crowded salon
floor. Requires considerable control by the follower.
High Boleo (Voleo Alto)
This is a boleo in which the follower’s leg is raised as high
bringing her thigh parallel to the floor. This type of boleo
should only be done when there is adequate space on open
dance floor.
Circular Forward Boleo (Voleo Adelante)
During a forward circular move, such as a molinete, move-
ment is interrupted or suspended, typically initiated from
a forward ocho. The follower lifts her foot from the floor
and it flies to the side, wrapping around her standing leg in
front of her knee to form a cuatro. This can be done during
ec;ockwise or counter-clockwise molinetes.
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