M o d e r n Ta n g o W o r l d
Paris Special Edition Editor
Emile Gayoso
Table of Contents
Paris Special Features
A Century of Parisien Tango Gwen-Haël Denigot ............................................. 03
Alternative Tango in Paris Yannik Lhermitte ............................................... 08
Outdoor Tango in Paris Emile Gayoso ............................................................... 13
G u i d e to Ta n g o i n F r a n c e ..................................................................................... 18
Tango Portraiture Fabian Perez ............................................................................... 28
Pablo Montanelli & Vito Venturino (El Cachivache) Ray Lauzzana .......... 32
Dreaming of Buenos Aires in Moscow Anastasia Pomogaeva........................ 35
Tango Beats in Ecuador Raymond Lauzzana .................................................................. 37
Tango Endings by Steve Darmo Alexandru Eugen Cristea............................... 38
Our Advertisers .................................................................................................................. 41
New Tango Music Arndt Büssing ................................................................................ 42
Tango Moves: Boleo/Latigazo Raymond Lauzzana ............................................ 44
Letters to the Editor ........................................................................................................ 47
We are always looking for tango
news and stories from around the
international tango community. If
you would like to join us, send us
your stories and news from your
tango group.
We welcome your participation in
this exciting adventure.
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