Modern Slavery May. 2014 | Page 5



Human Trafficking

1. Trafficking primarily involves exploitation which comes in many forms, including: forcing victims into prostitution, subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude and compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography.

2. Approximately 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation.

When Americans think about slavery what often comes to mind is the transatlantic slave trade, Africans displaced from their homeland, and the Underground Railroad. Though slavery has officially been abolished in many countries, there is such a thing as modern day slavery. It is still alive and well all over the world and is not simply a thing of the past. It is estimated that there are anywhere from 20 to 30 million people who are in slavery at this moment. increase from the 12.3 million slaves estimated in the 2005 study done by the International Labour Organization. The number is huge and leaves many wondering what can be done to help these people having to endure the cruelties of the people who have enslaved them and stripped them of their freedom.

1. Sweatshops often have poor working conditions, unfair wages, unreasonable hours, child labor, and a lack of benefits for workers.

2Doubling the salary of sweatshop workers would only increase the consumer cost of an item by 1.8%, while consumers would be willing to pay 15% more to know a product did not come from a sweatshop.

3.According to the National Labor Committee, women sewing NBA jerseys make 24 cents per garment that will eventually sell for $140.