A Girl-Ezra Pound
The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast Downward,
The branches grow out of me, like
Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world.
People are destined for different
things depending on when and
where they are born. “A Girl”, is
about a parents joy at the birth of
their daughter. “The tree” is the
newborn baby when the parent first
holds them in their arms. The “tree”
growing in the breast is a phrase
for the baby growing into an
adult. “Tree you are, Moss you
are” means that the baby will grow
and flourish into an important
person in society. The baby can be
akin to a sapling; a tiny sapling
given enough time in a positive
environment will grow into a
powerful oak. The same goes for a
person, if in a good environment a
person can go from a tiny baby into
a powerful, successful and
important person. Pound realized
that some people are given
different opportunities based on
what kind of situation that person
was born into. Ezra Pound was a
true example of this fact; if he
wasn’t born an American he may
not have had an opportunity to
write poetry at all. People are
destined for different things
depending on when and where
they were born. No matter if a
person was born two hundred
years ago or two years ago, that
person can be great. What was
considered greatness or success
when Pound wrote may not still be
great now but his words still have
the same meaning.