Modern Lifestyles WINTER 2020 | Page 38

OSPREY CRUISES The highlight of our visit and its modus operandi ‘Cook Your Catch’ was a half day fishing trip with Osprey Cruises. The friendly captain XXX and his assistant XXX (he called me ‘city slicker’ as I fumbled with my rod and reel!) showed us the finer points of casting and landing as we tried various points in the bay using squid, mullet and shrimp as bait. Our group caught lots of XXX catfish (poi- sonous) and a stingray but only a couple of 38 edible fish - not a lot to feed 16 mouths. The seagulls did better, having the audacity to filch bait right off our baiting station on the stern of our boat. And, Fred, a friendly pelican, recognizable by a tear in the webbing on his left foot, showed his skill diving in a catching bait thrown to him in mid-air. Fishing is feast or famine. Other days XXX has had trips on which everybody caught at least one fish. For us, on this day, it wasn’t to be.