“My hope is that Long Cove
gives families a one-of-a-kind
chance to enjoy Cedar Creek
Lake in the way that my friends
and family have for years now,”
says Don McNamara, developer
of Long Cove and president and
CEO of Hampstead Holdings,
the developer. “This development
represents a personal passion for
me, and I’m thrilled to be able to
introduce Long Cove to families
in Dallas who are searching for
that quick, convenient getaway
that can be their go-to place for
getting back to the basics of family
Location, location, location.
Long Cove is just 75 miles
southeast of Dallas, via a pastoral
drive down U.S. Highway 175,
past Gun Barrel City, crossing
south on 198. Here is also the
best, deepest, side of the lake.
McNamara knit together 1200
acres brimming with 80-year-old
Post oaks, located along six miles of
untouched shoreline on the south
side of Cedar Creek. Long Cove is
really the last great development
opportunity on the lake.
For the longest time access and
a low-lying bridge made it difficult
for boats to get under as it sat on
the water line, anything bigger than
a rowboat could not pass. This
kept many developers away until
the state built a four-lane arching
bridge, state highway 198, which
26 ModernLifestyles.tv