Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 | Page 60

Did You Know? By Modern Flavor Staff on January 2, 2015 Croquettes are a mixture of minced meat or vegetables, a thick white sauce, and seasonings that are formed into small cylinders, ovals, or rounds, dipped in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and deep-fried. Cuisine Maigre (kwih-ZEEN may-GREH) is French for “meatless, lean, or low-fat cooking”. Strict vegetarian cooking is referred to as cuisine vegetarienne. Eggplant is a member of the nightshade family. It’s related to the potato and the tomato. Though commonly thought of as a vegetable, eggplant is actually a fruit, specifically a berry. Farina is made from a cereal grain. Farina is a bland-tasting flour or meal that, when cooked in boiling water, makes a hot breakfast cereal. It’s easily digested and rich in protein. Humble Pie is a 17th century English dish, in which the heart, liver, kidney, and other innards of a deer are combined with apples, currents, sugar, and spices and baked as a pie. The servants ate this inexpensive but filling repast while the gentry dined on venison. The name comes from the old-English word numble, meaning a deer’s innards. Watercress, cool running water is the growing ground for this member of the mustard family, which can often be found in the wild in and around streams and brooks. ((0