Modern Business Magazine November 2016 | Page 55

MODERN LEADERSHIP yes, there’s a clear cost associated with that method. The solution is mindfulness; the cost is your time and effort. No one wakes up and thinks, “I can’t afford happiness and health today.” But that’s in essence what we choose when we don’t make time for a mindful life¬¬–and the research illuminating the benefits of mindfulness is growing every year. Here are some of the key reasons to make time for mindfulness. 1. Increased Happiness: Meditation has been proven to change our brain chemistry by increasing the production of neurotransmitters and hormones associated with positive mood and feelings of relaxation and happiness. The practice of meditation has also been shown to decrease concentrations of stress hormones and boost immune system function. 2. Increased Brain Power: The practice of mindful meditation changes the structure of no fewer than eight regions of the brain. In the cortical regions of the brain, the home of cognition and executive function, researchers have demonstrated that meditation increases in the volume and density of grey matter (neurons) as well as the density of white matter (axons) that connect specific regions of the brain. These findings provide substantial evidence that meditation effectively “rewires” the brain through the process of neuroplasticity. 3. Increased Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation: The practice of meditation changes the pattern of electrical activity (neurons firing) observed in the brain. Functionally speaking, this observation helps to explain the increases in self-awareness, attention control and emotional regulation that result after even brief periods of mindful meditation training. Taken together, these findings provide concrete evidence that mindful meditation training leads not only to subjective improvements in wellbeing, but to changes in the brain at the cellular, structural and functional levels. Mindful meditation triggers more than a placebo effect. There is a causeand-effect relationship between the practice of meditation and neuroplastic changes in the brain that lead to improvements in depressive symptoms, feelings of happiness and executive function. Hundreds of research studies have indicated that mindfulness practice can provide the following additional benefits–benefits you’re missing out on if you “can’t afford time” for mindfulness: Stress and anxiety reduction: More than 160 studies have shown mindfulness practice to have a positive and substantial effect on factors of wellbeing, including reducing stress, negative mood and anxiety. One study on mindfulness practice in the workplace found a 36 per cent decrease in stress levels. Improved cognitive skills: Mindfulness practice leads to significant improvements in critical cognitive skills after only four days of training for 20 minutes a day, including sustained attention, visuospatial processing and working memory, which helps with processing and reasoning. It also improves our ability to focus attention and suppress distracting information, as well as increasing our information processing speed. Mindfulness has been proven to create structural and functional changes in the brain such as generation of new brain cells November 2016 ModernBusiness 55