Business Networking and
Sex (Not What You Think)
By Ivan Misner
Understand the communication
roadblocks that occur between
women and men in the networking
Tips to help start you on your
way to career-long success in
networking with the opposite sex
Results from a 4 year survey of
12,000 businesspeople.
16 ModernBusiness
November 2016
There have been a lot of books
written about business networking
and referral marketing. I’ve written
quite a few of these myself. There
have also been a lot of books
written about the difference
between men and women. However,
it dawned on me that no one had
ever made the effort to combine the
two subjects. With that realization,
a new book project was born.
Over a four-year period, more than
12,000 businesspeople participated
in a study focused around 25
simple questions. After analyzing
the results of the survey, I was
ready to speak about the results
from an expert perspective in the
book. I gathered together two of my
fellow networking experts: Frank
DeRaffele, to write from the male
perspective; and Hazel Walker to