Modern Business Magazine June 2016 | Page 21

MODERN BUSINESS overpowered by our emotions. If we can tie our focus to a search for solution to the issue, we can nudge our attention away from our feelingheart and its ace assistant the right brain, over to the left, more logical side of our thinking world, It takes practice and persistence but will pay big dividends as you feel your claws retract. 5 1 Take Personal Responsibility It’s just so easy for us to point the finger …”I wouldn’t get so upset, if he’d just stop being so…”. If we think about it, blaming someone else, actually hands that person a level of control. The most powerful thing we can do is remind ourselves that ‘others’ are not responsible for the way we feel, what we say or what we do or don’t do — we are. The way we think, the filter through which we view our world, is totally responsible for our experience of it. This is exciting news, because it means that one easy way to manage our irritability and defensiveness is to shift our thinking, which brings me to the next tip. 2 Choose to RESPOND not to POUNCE In the heat of the moment it’s normal for us to feel triggered into a defensive state of anger, frustration, hurt, embarrassment, or indignation, but it’s how we choose to manage these emotions on the spot, that counts. Try ‘flicking the switch’ from the negative emotion you’re experiencing to one that is more positive and constructive. Experiment with becoming ‘curious’ or ‘understanding’ instead. Try focusing on what the other person needs from the interaction (regardless of their behaviour) and respond accordingly from a powerful place of calm and control. Faking it, till you make it counts by the way! 3 Aim for Win-Win Often when we lose our temper its because things aren’t going our way and we see ourselves moving into defence-mode. These emotional moments are hugely complex because there are so many variables involved- The issue, situation, environment, feelings, what’s being said, who’s saying it, how it’s being said, as well as what we choose to throw into the mix. Sometimes the simplest and most effective approach is to remember one easy phrase: “Aim for win-win”. Committing to this in the moment can have an impactful, positive effect on how we handle ourselves, on what we say, how we say it, and on the end result. 4 Stay on the Hunt for Solution The one thing we loose track of when we leap into conflict is a sense of objectivity, because it’s Become Collaborative Tigers by nature are sole operators, as are we in a moment of conflict. When we feel our temper rising, we can try placing our attention instead, on moving more with the pack. That means being willing to share our thoughts, not dictate them. It means asking questions and exploring what is important to the other party, not trying to enforce