Modern Business Magazine July 2016 | Page 42


Leading the Way - How a healthy workplace starts from the top

By Nikki Fogden-Moore

It takes fortitude , energy , endurance and mental agility to run a company successfully and sustain the pace . So why are so many leaders under-nourished , exhausted and overweight yet expecting their teams and employees to be healthy , energetic and engaged ? Ultimate leadership is leading by example .

Creating an authentic culture where there is a true blend of professional and personal accountability . It all starts from the top down .
It is just too expensive not to make a change and review your own personal performance as a leader . Worksafe Australia stated that burnout from too much work and high stress contributes to a $ 20 billion “ stress bill ” businesses foot each year . The cost of absenteeism , illness and lack of productivity for companies can be crippling in the long run .
We all know the statistics but what is going to create a tangible shift in perspective on how to actually bring healthy back - without turning your life or your business upside down .
You , and your actions as a leader . If you haven ’ t put yourself at the top of the list for a vitality overhaul and feel that the “ healthy ” element may be eluding you - then maybe it ’ s time you looked in the proverbial mirror and asked yourself these 5 basic questions .
Do you know your why and

1 your culture ? What kind of culture do you really want to create for yourself and your company .. Why is a healthy workplace important to you . If you can ’ t articulate to your team and your company why they

42 ModernBusiness July 2016