Events That Tell Your
Brand’s Story
By Naomi Walshe
ublic Relations often leans
toward pitching and placing
stories, but events are a
different - and equally effective strategy to increase your brand’s
exposure, share your key messages,
and ultimately generate quality
engagement with the media and
your target audience, in fact all your
stakeholders. Here’s what you need
to know about getting an event on
the calendar - and making the most
of it when the day comes.
Join In or DIY
When it comes to events, you have
two options: taking part in industry
events, or hosting one of your own.
Get in on Other Events
There’s no better way to promote
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January 2016
your brand than to position yourself
as an expert on a relevant topic
or industry in front of an audience
you care about. Check in with the
organizations, brands, or trade
publications that host events of
particular interest to you, and put
together a calendar to keep track of
what’s going on and when.
Then, think about which events you
might be able to participate in - are
there any panels or sessions that
your brand should be a part of? Get
yourself booked! Be sure to reach
out to the event organizers well
in advance - event panellists and
speakers tend to get confirmed
quickly - and suggest an interesting,
relevant topic that the intended
audience will be able to relate to
and get excited about.
Host Your Own
Whether it’s a networking breakfast,
industry conference, or cocktail
reception, an event can help you
raise the visibility and credibility of
your brand directly with an audience
of your choosing, including
current and potential clients, key
journalists, and industry influencers.
But keep in mind that you don’t
have to do it all yourself. Look for
opportunities to partner with other
interesting companies relevant to
your brand by having them co-host
or sponsor the event or moderate
the panels. This allows you to get
exposure to a whole new network of
people and align yourself with other