Corporate Retreats Why They Are Worth
It For Commercial and
Personal Vitality
By Nikki Fogden-Moore
here’s a shift occurring in
the business world that is
happening outside the office
- conferences and retreats are
becoming the norm and the agenda
is shifting from bar voucher to spa
voucher - from boardrooms indoors
to holding meetings outdoors - even
on surf boards. So is this working?
Despite a backlash in the US many
years ago about lavish retreats
“In 2008, after receiving bailout
money, AIG executives spent over
10 ModernBusiness
April 2016
$400,000 on a corporate retreat.
Understandably, the public was
outraged when this information
leaked” . Corporate retreats are
back in vogue and rightly so for they can provide a crucial
authentic time out for leadership
and key teams to reconnect,
assess productivity and build
shared purpose at even the most
challenging times of the business.
The Corporate Retreat is vital part
of the strategic year for companies
that value their team as much as
their bottom line.
The trick is to ensure you plan your
retreat like you would your business
- who should be there, what is
your budget and do you have
your purpose. With the right team
running this with you an annual
break away for body and mind could
be the perfect combination for your
team to be healthy, wealthy and
wise. After over a decade of running
corporate and boardroom retreats
worldwide, I can tell you why the