Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 97, August 2017 | Page 35

TRAINING sprint , but at a pace that you could only maintain for a short while – and then jog the bend slowly to recover . Cover anything from 8 to 12 laps of the track this way ( about 2.5 to 3.5km ).

The good part about this training is that the rest period is not structured in terms of the recovery period – you can jog or even walk the bends until you feel fully recovered to run another 100m fast . As you get fitter , this recovery jog will get faster , but always focus on the fast 100m runs .


Speed for Spring

With spring just around the corner , now is the time to give speed a chance in order to be ready to race when the weather warms up . – BY DERICK MARCISZ
honestly believe that most runners would love to run fast , but many runners say they don ’ t do speed work in training because they are not fast enough to race competitively and therefore don ’ t need speed training . This is actually wrong , as speed work will definitely improve your running , no matter your age , gender or ability .
The first rule of running fast is simple : Run short . In other words , focus on intensity instead of distance . Short means shorter distance and fewer repetitions . There is only one way to get to run faster , and that is to teach your legs what it feels like to run faster . To do that you have to do training workouts that accomplish exactly that : Get your legs used to running fast . And make it fun ! So here are some training sessions to learn the technique of running fast .
This session is usually done around an athletic track , but it can also be done on a sports field . After an easy warmup of 3km to 5km with some faster striding , do the following :
• Run the straight of the track fast – close to full speed , not quite an outright
This is running in its purest form – no kay markers , GPS or heart rate monitors , just fast running at its best ! Fartlek was invented in 1937 by Swedish coach Gosta Holmer and the name roughly translates as ‘ speed play .’ True fartlek is about mixing up faster-than-race pace efforts with easier recovery running , and it is an effective and satisfying training session that should always be fun !
• Run with a partner and each of you will be responsible for 20 minutes during which you decide how fast and how far you run . Try to do this in a large park area , but you can also do it on the road .
• Start with an easy-paced warm-up of around 4km , with a few faster surges .
• The first ‘ leader ’ will then say , “ Let ’ s sprint to that tree ,” or “ Let ’ s run hard for two minutes .” The same applies to the rest periods . After 20 minutes you swap around .
• After finishing 40 minutes of running freely like this , you will be left feeling strong and invigorated , and can jog another 3km as a cool-down .
About the Author Derick is a Joburg-based running and triathlon coach , with multiple ultra-marathon and Ironman finishes to go with his 20-plus years of experience in coaching . here are so many wonderful herbal teas on the market , so when it comes to choosing one , it ’ s important to look for a well-sourced product made

T from high-quality natural ingredients and which does not contain any added essential oils or flavours ! Here are a few of the most common herbal teas which can all be found in your local supermarket , and their benefits .

Rooibos : Probably the most famous herbal tea in South Africa , it is high in vitamin C as well as other minerals . An easy drinking tea , it ’ s largely grown locally and has been touted for its antioxidant properties , which help ward off disease and signs of ageing . It has also been shown to help with common skin concerns , such as eczema .
Peppermint : This tea is recommended to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating , and to relieve muscle spasms . It ’ s also good for nausea . However , if indigestion or heartburn are problems , it is recommended to avoid peppermint altogether . It can be made using fresh herbs from the garden , and it is one of the easiest herbs to grow . Peppermint is also said to cure bad breath !
Ginger : Another great digestive aid , ginger can be used to curb nausea , vomiting or motion sickness . Make fresh ginger tea by simmering a piece of ginger root on the stove for 10 to 15 minutes . Add fresh lemon juice and honey when you have a cold for a powerful germ-fighting combination . Ginger tea is also excellent for improving circulation , and is one of the best herbs for improving digestion , lung congestion and arthritis .
Chamomile : Used widely for stomach ailments and as a mild sedative , chamomile tea has also been shown to ease heartburn , nausea , and vomiting . A mouth rinse with chamomile may relieve mouth sores caused by cancer treatments , and some research suggests that chamomile could help with other conditions such as diarrhoea in children , haemorrhoids , anxiety and insomnia . When used on the skin , chamomile helps with skin irritation and wound healing .
When you are making your herbal tea , use fresh , cold water . Do not use aluminium cookware , as it can affect the taste – rather use glass , cast iron or stainless steel . A tea strainer is very helpful , as it lets you create your own blends of teas or herbs , and stops the leaves and flowers from escaping into the drink . Once the water has boiled , add one heaped teaspoon of herbs for every cup of water . Cover and let the herbs steep for ten minutes . Do not over-steep the herbs , as the flavour may become too strong and taste more medicinal than pleasant . If you want to enhance or sweeten the flavour of your tea , add honey or lemon .
About the Author Salome is a registered dietician based in the Johannesburg area .