Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 94, May 2017 | Page 11

Images : Courtesy René Kalmer

Kalmer ’ s CORNER

Our Modern Athlete Brand Ambassador ’ s Blog


Shortly after I made it public that we were expecting our firstborn early in 2017 , I got a message from my childhood hero and Olympic medallist , Elana Meyer , congratulating us and saying “ It is going to be your biggest and best ‘ medal ’ ever .” Elana could not have been more right !

Karli van Wyk was born on the 17th of March just after 6am , and boy was she blessed with a set of lungs , announcing her arrival to the whole Sandton MediClinic . As soon as the doctor placed her on my chest , I was flooded with emotions of tears , joy , awe , relief … All the wounds of battling with an injury for almost two years , failing to qualify for the 2016 Olympic Games and then not being able to travel to Rio to support my sister Christine all healed in an instant when holding our new gift from above . In April , it was amazing to reflect whilst watching the London Marathon , from heartbreak to a heart that is overflowing with joy . God definitely had a bigger and better plan in mind .

Running Lessons
I know it is still early days , but I truly believe that running has prepared us for parenthood . Getting up for races has made it much easier getting up at 3am to feed Karli . At least for now I don ’ t have to force pre-race oats or toast down my throat . As in running , it is all about teamwork and surrounding yourself with the best possible support team . I could not have asked for a better partnership for # TeamKarli . When it comes to changing diapers , I think Andre might even be a short step ahead of me . But this is also where one has to realise one ’ s strengths and weaknesses … and to hand baby over , as Andre ’ s favourite quote states , “ Breast is best !”
You have to let go of any preconceived ideas if you have not gone the distance ... So much for Andre ’ s idea before Karli was born that she was going to sleep in her own cot in her own room ! Currently she is sleeping in a basket next to his side of the bed , within ‘ striking distance ’ for comfort and diaper patrol .
I have also come to realise that it doesn ’ t make you an expert just because you read a lot of books … It is all about trial and error , and hands-on experience . In the beginning it is all about survival ( including the parents ) and taking baby steps . The important part is to keep calm and carry on , and eventually baby will fall asleep again . Even if it is in our bed ...
Time of our lives
Just as in running , when it comes to training and covering all the different components of endurance , speed and strength training , here there are also no shortcuts ... You also have to go the distance when it comes to feeding , burping and putting baby to sleep . If you try and rush things , it will come and bite you in the butt – and you ’ ll have to start all over again . On that note , Karli has taken over the roll as pacesetter , as she determines our daily routine . We normally aim for the 8:15am church service , but often end up late for the 10 o ’ clock service !
Despite the sleepless hours and time on our legs to rock Karli to sleep , we treasure every moment of this new journey . It is the tough days and sleepless nights that make one appreciate a good day , and a good night ’ s sleep even more . I also celebrate the small victories along the way , like being able to tie my own shoe laces again and not having to go to the loo every 30minutes .
As a runner I despise cobblestones , as there is nothing like a few strides on cobblestones to aggravate my ITB . But recently cobblestones became my new best friend , helping me to get Karli to sleep while pushing her in the pram . That said , my competitive side is also still intact : I use my Garmin to track and pace my ‘ pram-miles ,’ and to Andre ’ s amusement , I can ’ t help to chase down and lap other moms with prams in our complex .
Like the Comrades Marathon , parenthood will humble you , but I ’ m definitely up for the challenge !
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