Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 92, March 2017 | Page 21


Michelle Knight was spotted dropping a sachet into the bin at the finish line of the FNB Cape Town ONERUN , having carried it all the way to the finish instead of dropping it on the road between the last water table and finish . As it is says on her shirt , Don ’ t be tired , be awesome . Well , we think she is awesome for not littering on the route .
Here we have Ghairo Allie being presented with a special prize at the KFC Brackenfell 10km night race , because she picked up countless sachets while running at the back of the pack . The driver of the sweep vehicle , Leon Visser , watched her cleaning effort as he tailed her around the course , and when he told his clubmates about her efforts , they decided to reward her with one of the lucky draw prizes . Apparently , Ghairo does this at most of the races she participates in . What an example !
This photo was taken by Estelle Kock the morning after the mid-week Metropolitan 10km race , showing that one of the water table crews had not done a thorough job of cleaning up their area once the runners had passed through . To the great credit of the organising club , as soon as they heard about this litter they sent somebody out to go clean it up , but once again it shows how the littering by runners can leave a really bad impression on non-runners .


In the January edition of your mag an article was posted around the initiative of Kempton Road Runners with their electronic declaration and thoughts around a runclean badge . Allow the small club of De Rust Striders in the Klein Karoo to claim some bragging rights around just such an initiative .
As the organisers of the extremely popular Meiringspoort 21.1km and 12.5km run held in October each year – our 3500 entries sell out within days – we took on the RunClean initiative in 2016 , the first club in our South Western Districts running region to do so , and because Meiringspoort is a pristine area .
The team working at registration then had the RunClean logo embroidered onto the golf shirts as per the photo attached , because we believe that this worthy cause needs all the support that can be given . A badge will surely be a further boost to this campaign . Also , how about T-shirts sold at events also bearing the logo ? Let ’ s keep encouraging one another as we strive to keep our beautiful country clean . – Des Harris
Online Entries | Race Office | Race Marketing | Live Timing and Results www . peaktiming . co . za | info @ peaktiming . co . za | Aurelia 082 326 4893 | Grant 082 468 0195
5 th Mar 12 th Mar 18 th Mar


26 th Mar
2 nd Apr 7 th May 16 th - 18 th June