Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 58, May 2014 | Page 16

gnesium le of Ma rac ADVERTORIAL The Mi A dding Miracle Magnesium Oil and Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel to your everyday nutritional and exercise programme will ensure that your body is supplied with sufficient magnesium at cellular level to perform vigorous activities. There are a number of benefits from using Miracle Magnesium Oil and Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel: 1. Improved Performance More magnesium converts into more energy, so Miracle Magnesium Oil with Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel not only plays a role in maintaining muscle function, it also plays a pivotal role in the way in which all cells of our body manufacture energy. This in itself makes Miracle magnesium Oil an important supplement for performance enhancement. 2. Better Hydration & Electrolyte Balance Muscle cramps are often symptoms of improper hydration and/or electrolyte imbalance. Proper hydration and electrolyte consumption are essential for health and performance and heart, nerve and muscle functions. For athletes to perform at their best they need to ensure that they are well hydrated and take in extra electrolytes lost during intense exercise. Miracle Magnesium Oil and Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel with organic minerals, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, Selenium and Boron provides these critical electrolytes. 16 ISSUE 58 MAY 2014 / Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel with Miracle Magnesium Oil offers an exciting breakthrough in sport medicine, allowing athletes to treat injuries, prevent them, and increase athletic performance, all at the same time. 3. Prevents Injuries Application of Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel increases flexibility and increase muscle tone, which helps prevent injury. It also increases strength and endurance. Other benefits are breakdown of scar tissue after injury, improved blood circulation, and increased oxygenation to the tissues, which provides general relaxation and stress-reduction, and improves sports performance. Hamstring injuries can be avoided through nutritional support because contraction and relaxation is dependent on adequate cellular levels of magnesium. A shortened hamstring is a result of lack of magnesium. Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel can simply be rubbed on to decrease swelling or recover from hamstring and other injuries. Like most athletes, you want to heal naturally from your injury – and do so in record time. There is no greater way to accomplish this than by using Miracle Magnesium Oil and Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel. When applied directly to the skin, the gel is transdermally absorbed and has an almost immediate effect on reducing inflammation and reducing pain. 4. Prevents Mental Fatigue Mental fatigue can affect people for both short and long periods of time. The result of brain over- activity (this is a condition where the brain cells become exhausted, much like our bodies do when we’ve been physically over-active) and insufficient magnesium and minerals can lead to fatigue and muscle weakness. Miracle Magnesium Oil with organic minerals can help to protect your body and brain against fatigue. 5. Recovery Miracle Magnesium Oil helps muscles and nerves to function, steadies the heart’s rhythm, and helps to keep bones strong. It also helps the body to create energy and to synthesise the proteins that are important for muscular growth and repair. It is these qualities that have made Miracle Magnesium Oil a hot topic in the area of sports supplements with regard to increasing performance and muscular recovery. Miracle Magnesium Sports Gel feeds the worked muscles and body through its biggest organ, the skin, to completely recharge and restore. It also reduces pain and inflammation while propagating quicker regeneration of tissues. Magnesium depletion may also be associated with structural damage to muscle cells, impairing post-exercise muscle recovery. Miracle Magnesium Oil is, therefore, crucial for maintaining muscle health, and may assist in recovery after exercise.