Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 54, January 2014 | Page 19
My Story
Magical Motivation
What makes us get up in the mornings, especially when it’s still dark and cold
outside? It’s something magical called motivation. After being diagnosed with
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my wrist, I pushed myself and now pursue
fitness in my job, encouraging people to be the best they can be.
t’s a combination of things that motivate me to
push as hard as I do – from an illness that changed my
life forever, to the people, past and present, who have
influenced me in numerous ways. When I was much
younger, I looked up to my sister who was a Springbok
swimmer. At school, I took up gymnastics and swimming,
which I think was the beginning of my drive in sport, and
it definitely instilled the discipline required to achieve all
the things I have!
Image: Jetline Action Photo
It was a harder path for me. In 2010, I was diagnosed
with Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome in my wrist, which forced
me to look at my life differently
and make some radical changes in
order to manage the condition.
The chronic disease causes
swelling, severe pain and
changes in the skin. It took
a while to be diagnosed
properly and there were little
things I couldn’t do – like
a job in an office with a
computer! That was a real
low point in my life, but
after a while, after
getting out on the
road again, I
figured that I
needed to be strong. There was nothing wrong with my
legs, and I was motivated to do the rehab for my wrist,
and at that point my mind took over. I ran, ate healthily
and meditated, and I knew that this illness could give
me the opportunity to give back to others in the fitness
lifestyle I adored.
So I took the brave leap from the corporate world
to start my own Adventure Boot Camp franchise.
I remember going through the training as a
franchisee and I couldn’t even manage a pushup! But I had a strong mind and I remain grateful
for the opportunity that was given to me. I was
always scared to do personal training, but I knew
that I could motivate people and myself. After all,
exercise was my number one passion. Despite
having a hand that stuck out like a claw, leaving
me unable to do anything that meant using my left
arm and wrist, I remained positive.
I believe that being a great motivator is a gift
that some people are born with, but it is a
quality that can also be honed if one
is doing something that you are
truly passionate about. That’s
me! I followed what I wanted
to in life and after three-anda-half years, I’ve established
two camps in Norwood and
Illovo in Johannesburg. The
real challenge now is to change
it up for the current members,
keeping classes fun and fresh. A
lot of people come to class after
a long day, so I like motivating
them to better themselves.
As for me? I’m planning to run
my first marathon soon, and
want to take some Boot Camp
members through with me.
I suffered a split cartilage
in my knee at the Old Ed’s
21km, so I’ve been out
Danny on his way to
for a bit, but I’m ready
his first half marathon
to come back fighting
finish at the 2013
Images: Courtesy Gwen Sparks & Michelle Rozowsky
I remember getting into running after I met Monika
Kraushaar when I signed up for my first Adventure Boot
Camp class. We ran our first 10km at the RAC 10km and
inspired each other to take our running a step further.
Monika went onto Comrades and climbing Kilimanjaro,
after overcoming some serious injuries along the way, and
it motivated me to be better. I don’t think I have ever met
such a strong-willed individual.
For more info about Adventure Boot
Camp franchises, call 021 447 2746 / 082 567 2267,
visit or e-mail
[email protected].
Two Oceans.