Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 50, September 2013 | Page 40
Race Report
Rhino Runners
Nedbank Save the Rhino Trail Run, Entabeni Big Five Game Reserve, Limpopo, 20-21 July
particular impressing with his Muhammad Ali-like ‘?oating like a butter?y’ up the steep Legend Gorge and over the loose rocks and thick sand to ensure his victory. Dreyer Van Huyssteen ?nished second and Mazu Ndandani third after two days of racing. Second amongst the women was Anita O’Brien, with Takalani outh Africa is synonymous with the Big Five Ndandani third. There were game rangers strategically placed to keep the runners and wildlife from ‘running into each other,’ but according to Hano, some animals went the extra mile to spice things up. “Before the race it seemed as if the lions had a competition among themselves to destroy the most route markers, and at the race brie?ng I showed the runners signs with big teeth marks in them! Then on day two a rhino apparently took exception to a sign that was in his way and pushed it down, while a herd of six elephants was grazing on one of the game paths on the route. Fortunately game warden Philip Botha calmly walked into the bush and vocally encouraged the elephants to follow him away from the path, so they were happily Lucky Miya and Carla van Huyssteen were the inaugural winners of the race, with Lucky in grazing a few hundred metres further on when the runners came through just ?ve minutes later!”
Lekker in Limpo
animals, but in the foreseeable future we might only be able to boast a ‘Big Four’ as the number of rhinos being poached increases monthly. With the black market price of rhino horn now reportedly in the region of $65,000 per kg – more than the price of gold! – there is no sign of the onslaught letting up. Fortunately, many people are not prepared to give up the ?ght to save the rhino, including Sonja and Hano Otto from TriSport, who got Nedbank on board to sponsor a two-day trail running event in July (and a two-day mountain bike event in October). Because these events are sponsored by Nedbank, all entry fees will be donated directly to Nedbank’s WWF Green Trust Fund in aid of rhino conservation.
Images: Bruce Viaene
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