Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 50, September 2013 | Page 33
Samantha Summerscales
We chatted to a couple of our Dare to Tri Academy members about their training up to now.
I decided to join the Dare to Tri Academy because of all the bene?ts it came with. I also thought it would be highly bene?cial, as I am a novice. Now I am crazy about triathlon! Why do one sport when you can do all three! The hardest part is trying to get all my training into my schedule. The best part is the pain – I love being stiff! I was hoping to achieve a lot of knowledge about triathlon along with a good position at 5150 Bela Bela.
Mark Cockroft
While training for Comrades 2013 I picked up an injury that stopped me from running (and doing other exercise) for ?ve months. By June, I had picked up so much weight I just had to start something. Now my long distance running days are all but over, so I chose a new goal in the Dare to Tri programme. The best part has to be when gravity is on my side and I can freewheel past the pedalling peleton on the downhills! Jokes aside, the real best part is that I feel motivated again to achieve a goal. Mostly, I want to have fun, and get back to my ?ghting weight, but ultimately I want to ?nish, to prove to myself I can do it.
for Open Wat r of Preparergie Thomas, owner and operatoerTotal Immersion, our of?cial swim training partner from Geo
A word for the Dare to Tri Academy.
Some of you will have already ventured into open water in a race or in training, but if you’re new to open water, you need to come to terms with the fact that being in open water is very different from the pool. It’s colder and darker, there is no line at the bottom, and there is no side wall. Here are some tips to keep you at ease:
• • • • Walk into the water slowly and begin by swimming a few strokes with your head above the water. After a few strokes put your face in the water and focus on getting your rhythm. Focus on a steady, strong stroke. Keep doing this over and over until you get around the course. You can practise this ability to focus on your stroke and not other external factors. I would also suggest that you hang back a little after the start, just walk into the water and let the racing snakes get ahead and create some space. Focus on your swimming. Don’t allow your mind to go ahead of your body – stay in the moment.
See you in Ekurhuleni!
Enter today for the challenging but fun Ekurhuleni 5150 African Championship!
The brand new Ekurhuleni 5150 Africa Championship takes place on 3 November at Germiston Lake, in the heart of South Africa’s triathlon hub. Athletes can look forward to a challenging and fun new race, and here’s an overview of what they can expect on the course. the main entrance of the Germiston Lake Park and exiting right into Lake Road. The course is challenging but manageable. However, athletes should keep something in reserve for the last 5km of climbing coming back towards transition. exception being that when athletes get to back to transition they will veer left into the ?nish chute.
The Ekurhuleni 5150 African Championship is set to change the face of South African triathlon! The race is open to all and no pre-quali?cation is required, so be there on Sunday 3 November 2013!
RUN: Off the bike, running
SWIM: Being a standard distance
BIKE: It’s then out the water and onto
the 40km bike course in a single lap of 20km out and 20km back, going through
Image: FinisherPix
triathlon, the swim leg is 1.5km. Athletes will start in waves according to age categories, with each wave starting at 15-minute intervals. The water temperature at the lake is expected to be 18°C to 24°C, which would make a wetsuit optional. The swim takes place in Germiston Lake, which lies 1 650m above sea le vel, in the form of an anti-clockwise one-lap rectangular course.
shoes on! The relatively flat 10km course consists of two almost identical laps. Athletes will leave transition on the new walkway along the lake edge towards the far side of the park. At the turn point, they will U-turn and proceed all the way to the dead-end where they will collect a hair band (one lap). The second lap is the same with the
Don’t miss our great competition, where you could win a Triathlete Experience, including an entry for you and a friend to the Ekurhuleni 5150 African Championship, Dare 2 Tri wetsuit and GU nutrition hamper! Enter via the competition tab at