Post-race medal pic with hubby Bruce after Comrades
Debbie ’ s first Comrades start line pic with clubmates in six years
Debbie says she felt great throughout her Comrades run
The challenges of the past six years have served as stepping stones , strengthening my grit and determination . My running stamina is rooted in my past hardships , and this year , I felt I had six times the strength after six years of waiting for the opportunity to once again tackle The Ultimate Human Race . Being able to be at the start line felt like a miracle , and crossing the finish line felt like a blessing that I wasn ’ t sure would ever be possible again . The fact that I had an amazing , strong , fun , fast run is still more incredible . Even the doctors are astounded by my progress – they say the transformation from where I started to where I am now is truly remarkable . And I don ’ t for one minute take it for granted .
I choose to live in faith , not fear , even though my conditions are chronic , and that this journey that I ’ m faced with is for the rest of my life . That ’ s not to say that I don ’ t have bad days … I ’ m still human , and I have my share of dark days , tears , fears and frustrations . But I choose to be better , not bitter , and to focus on the positive rather than dwelling on pity , and the losses or damage I ’ ve endured . I believe that no time or opportunity is wasted , that my pain and challenges have purpose , and I strive to use it to inspire others . We are stronger together , and Comrades is a race that unites us all .
Although my frail state may have limited my ability to be the runner I once was , I hope that my story , and the runner that I am now , will inspire others , bringing hope and encouragement to those who need it . My sense of humour is also something that gets me through the difficult days . After all , everyone who lines up for Comrades needs a good sense of humour . And guts … even if they ’ re a bit defective thanks to the Crohns !
Ed ’ s Note : A Letter From Debbie
In past years , Debbie wrote a few pieces for Modern Athlete magazine , and when I saw her at the 2018 Comrades Marathon Expo , we had our pic taken with one of those published pieces . After I sent out a recent newsletter to announce a new edition of the mag , in which I invited readers to send in contributions , she sent me the following message , with this article .
Hi Sean , I was reading your newsletter , and the “ Running on Comrades Inspiration ” caught my attention . I love the latest issue . I am still on a buzz from Comrades and can ’ t get enough of the stories , so thanks for this great edition and all the work you put in .
I read about sending in a story , so thought to share mine with you to consider . It really has been a crazy miracle of a season for me . The whole purpose of my journey is to help others , and platforms like yours do that … and isn ’ t that the point , to inspire hope and help ? It feels a little bold to send this , but you do ask for stories , and I truly feel in my heart that all this hardship I am going through can help reach and inspire others .
Kind regards , Debbie
Debbie , I couldn ’ t agree more that your story can help to inspire others who may be going through a rough time in their lives , whether it be medical , physical , emotional , professional or any other reason . Just being able to do what you love , what motivates you , keeps you going and gives you hope … that ’ s the key ! So , thanks for sharing your incredible journey with us , and I hope to see you at many more start lines in the future . – The Ed .
The Comrades has given Debbie hope to hold onto through her years of illness
A solid 9:20 finish rounded off a great comeback
Images : Marathon Photos & courtesy Debbie Ivins
42 ISSUE 171 | www . modernathlete . co . za