Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 170 July 2024 | Page 64


The Heart of the Matter By Jurgens Grobler

Peripheral Heart Action ( PHA ) training is a highly effective gym-based workout technique that runners can incorporate into their training regimen .

Peripheral Heart Action ( PHA ) training enhances cardiovascular endurance , muscular strength , and endurance , by targeting different muscle groups in succession , keeping the heart rate elevated and improving overall fitness . That ’ s why it is so good for runners to incorporate into their training programmes . So , let ’ s delve deeper into why , when and how runners should integrate PHA workouts into their routine .

1 Benefits of PHA Workouts
• Improves cardiovascular endurance : PHA training involves alternating exercises between the upper and lower body , which keeps the heart rate elevated and promotes efficient blood circulation throughout the body . This continuous circulation mirrors the demands of running , thereby enhancing cardiovascular endurance and stamina . Think of it as cardio with a twist – just when your legs think they can relax , your arms step in to keep the heart pumping !
• Enhances muscular strength and endurance : By incorporating resistance exercises , PHA workouts build strength in the key muscle groups used in running , such as the legs , core and upper body . Stronger muscles contribute to better running form , increased speed , and a lower risk of injuries . Moreover , the endurance built from sustained exercise duration helps runners maintain their performance over longer distances . it ’ s like giving your muscles a pep talk : “ you got this , keep going !”
• Promotes efficient recovery : PHA training allows one muscle group to recover while another is being worked . This efficient use of time ensures that the heart rate remains high without overly fatiguing specific muscles . It allows runners to engage in high-intensity workouts without the excessive muscle soreness that can come from focusing on a single muscle group . It ’ s like a relay race for your muscles – while one team rests , the other takes over .
• Burns more calories : The continuous movement and elevated heart rate during PHA workouts lead to higher calorie expenditure . For runners looking to manage their weight , this can be a valuable addition to their training regimen . Consider it a calorie-burning bonanza , where every exercise feels like it ’ s making a dent in that last chocolate cake you devoured .
2 When to Do PHA Workouts
These workouts can be a beneficial addition to a runner ’ s schedule once or twice a week . The ideal times to incorporate them are on non-running days , or designated cross-training days . This allows for adequate recovery time between high-intensity running sessions and PHA workouts , ensuring that the body is not overworked and can recover properly . After all , even superheroes need their rest days – just ask your legs after a long run !
3 How PHA Works
PHA workouts are designed around circuits that alternate between upper and lower body exercises , with minimal rest in between . This method keeps the heart rate elevated and ensures a balanced
Beginner PHA Workout for Long-distance Runners
Welcome to your Beginner Peripheral Heart Action ( PHA ) Workout , designed specifically for long-distance runners to improve endurance and strength . This session focuses on boosting cardiovascular fitness , improving muscle balance , and enhancing overall conditioning by alternating between upper and lower body exercises .
64 ISSUE 170 | www . modernathlete . co . za