Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 170 July 2024 | Page 44

Tadu Nare leads the way early in the Durban leg of the SPAR Women ’ s Challenge

Nare Back in Business in Durban

The second leg of the SPAR Women ’ s Challenge 10km Series and SPAR Grand Prix took place in Durban on 23 June , and it was back to usual business for three-time defending Grand Prix champion Tadu Nare .

Having missed the opening leg of the 2024 SPAR Grand Prix Series in Cape Town in March , due to injury , Ethiopian star Tadu Nare made a triumphant return to action on South African soil in the Durban leg . The three-time defending Grand Prix champion found herself locked in a thrilling battle with South African favourite and winner of the Cape Town leg , Glenrose Xaba , but pulled clear with three kilometres to go to take the win in 31:13 . This is a new personal best for the Ethiopian – her previous best was 31:26 , which she ran in the 2023 edition of this Durban SPAR event .

Competing in ideal conditions , Nare and Xaba had some company in the early stages of the race , but they had shaken off the rest of the field by the halfway mark . Digging deep in the chase for the line , Nare managed to drop a gutsy Xaba with three kilometres remaining , drawing clear to win a fourth consecutive Durban SPAR title . Xaba was rewarded for her brave
Tadu Nare claims the win , maximum points and a PB in Durban
effort by taking second place in 31:56 , just one second off her ( then ) personal best of 31:55 , also set in the previous year ’ s Durban leg of the SPAR Series .

Durban Results

Here are the top finishers in the 2024 SPAR Grand Prix 10km in Durban on Sunday 23 June .
1 Tadu Nare ( Nedbank / Ethiopia )
2 Glenrose Xaba ( Boxer )
3 Neheng Khatala ( Hollywood / Lesotho )
4 Blandina Makatisi ( Maxed Elite / Lesotho )
5 Diniya Abaraya ( Nedbank / Ethiopia )
6 Irvette van Zyl ( Hollywood )
7 Ayantu Terefe ( Nedbank / Ethiopia )
8 Cacisile Sosibo ( Boxer )
9 Karabo Mailula ( Tuks )
10 Malineo Mahloko ( Maxed Elite / Lesotho ) 34:34
1 Diniya Abaraya ( Nedbank / Ethiopia )
2 Anele Ndawonde ( Umzimkhulu )
3 Ngubo Inganathi ( Umzimkhulu )
1 Lebo Phalula-Mzazi ( Boxer )
2 Lebogang Phalula-Luthuli ( Boxer )
3 Fikile Mbuthuma ( Phantane )
1 Elizabeth Potter ( Boxer )
2 Anne Stewart ( Atlantic )
3 Ronel Thomas ( Boxer )
1 Judy Bird ( Boxer )
2 Grace de Oliveira ( Maxed Elite )
3 Karen Brough ( Boxer )
( Ed ’ s Note : Just two weeks later , Xaba shattered her PB and set a new SA Record when she clocked 31:12 , also in Durban .)
“ It ’ s wonderful to see the South African runners clearly improving ,” said Nare after taking the win . “ I was actually surprised , because Glenrose was neck-and-neck with me all the way to seven kilometres , and I was starting to get worried . I managed to pull away , but it is wonderful to see the growth and development in the way she is running .”
Xaba , who extended her lead at the top of the SPAR Grand Prix standings with three races to go in the campaign , was delighted with her result . “ I was glad to be able to keep up with Tadu until seven kilometres . I learn a lot when I race against her , because she always pushes us South Africans to get better times . We always want to achieve more in life , and learning from her helps us improve . I ’ m very happy with how I ran today ,” she said .
Neheng Khatala of Lesotho was next over the line , taking third position in a brisk 32:14 . Her compatriot , Blandina Makatisi was fourth in 32:33 , while junior athlete Diniya Abaraya , who was second in Cape Town , finished fifth here in 32:40 , winning the Under-19 division . “ I wanted to execute our training plan and see how far I could go today , so I ’ m very excited ,” said Khatala . “ I ’ m getting faster , so I ’ m very proud of myself . The ladies pushed the pace , and the course was good . I just got tired around seven kilometres , but it was a good race .”
44 ISSUE 170 | www . modernathlete . co . za