Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 170 July 2024 | Page 17

ROAD RUNNING for this year . I will only decide after the Olympics what my plans are for the rest of the year . I ’ ve got a few races that I ’ m considering , but if I feel like I need a longer break , I may only look for a marathon again at the beginning of next year .
MA : Something I ’ d like to share with you , and get your reaction on , is something that René Kalmer said when I interviewed her for our previous mag . She told me that after finishing her first Comrades this year , she went back to work at the school where she teaches , and when she walked into the staff room , she said she got a standing ovation from all her colleagues , and her exact quote was , “ I felt like Gerda Steyn !”
GS : Oh , bless her ! That ’ s amazing , and it just shows the power of Comrades . I think everyone who knows somebody running Comrades feels that excitement and joy with us – even more so when your runner finishes so well , as René did – and it makes it all the more special when you can share it with your community .

Gerda ’ s Comrades Record

When Gerda moved to Dubai for work and joined a running club of ex-pats in order to meet new people , where she found herself running with a group training for the Comrades Marathon . This led to her completing her first Comrades in 2015 , where she earned a solid Bill Rowan while nearly making it into the women ’ s top 50 . The next year ’ s race went even better , and in 2017 Gerda ’ s third race brought her a first gold medal . And as you can see below , it just kept getting better …
Year Time Medal Result
2015 Up 8:19:08 Bill Rowan 56th woman ( 1008th overall ) 2016 Down 7:08:23 Silver 14th woman ( 313th overall ) 2017 Up 6:45:45 Gold 4th woman ( 118th overall ) 2018 Down 6:15:34 Gold 2nd woman ( 40th overall )
2019 Up 5:58:53 Gold 1st woman ( 17th overall ), Up Run Record 2023 Down 5:44:54 Gold 1st woman ( 30th overall ), Down Run Record 2024 Up 5:49:46 Gold 1st woman ( 23rd overall ), Up Run Record
Images : Courtesy Comrades Marathon Association , Gerda Steyn
MA : Ironically , that ’ s exactly what René said , that it shows the power of the Comrades and what it means to South Africans . On that note , any last words you ’ d like to share with your fans and supporters who read this mag ?
GS : Honestly , it ’ s not possible for me to do this on my own , and just for myself ; it ’ s the people who support me that drive me to want to do better and get the most out of myself , and to make them proud of me . At Comrades this year , the crowds woke up on the morning probably as early as I did , in order to be out there on the route cheering me on . It ’ s incredible to hear your name being shouted like crazy , from the first kilometre to the last kilometre , and I also feel like I gain a whole lot of energy from the crowds , so I can ’ t help but smile , and try to give back a little bit to show my appreciation . It ’ s a long day out , but the crowds carry me all the way .
So , it ’ s just a massive , massive thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone supporting me , whether that ’ s on the route , on your tv screens , on social media and WhatsApp groups … I see it , I feel it , and it means the world to me !
Having experienced the 2021 Olympics in Japan , Gerda is looking forward to Paris 2024
Gerda ’ s plaque on the Comrades Wall of Fame needs to be updated …
Thank you for all the support and love , says Gerda