Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 169 June 2024 | Page 47

C o l u m n
Twist in the Tail
Our initial goal was to finish the race while it was still light , but our total lack of ability to navigate the wet and slippery paths and cliff edges , mixed with the terror of crossing rivers that were flowing much stronger than anticipated , meant a much slower time than we had anticipated . Also , the revised last 30km section was much tougher than in previous years , and instead of an easy finish ending on 10km of flat tar , we were sent on a loop through the most beautiful indigenous forest .
This new forest section was kind of runnable – the sun had come out by then , around 11am – but it was by no means easy , so our new goal was to be out of the forest and back on the beach by sunset . Well , we did manage that , arriving at a stunning river crossing , made even more beautiful by the setting sun and the Nguni cows swimming across as we paddled next to them in a little boat . Unfortunately , the final 10km from there were anything but easy … We climbed vertical cliffs to avoid the incoming tide , and passing a village that looked identical to the finish was particularly cruel , but we knew we were on the right path .
you have once again hosted the most epic event , and want to not only thank you for an amazing adventure , but also for raising moola and awareness for two wonderful charities , the Pondoland Conservation Trust and Miles for Smiles ! Team
AeroDynamics will see you gain in 2025 . Last but not least , Nicky , you are a legend for running with me , especially since I can actually prove that I ’ m jinxed : We didn ’ t get lost , not even once , and still we did an extra four or so kays !
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-saydie attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !
Eventually we made it home , by which time the Coasters ( who run the same route , but as a threeday stage race ) were well into their post-race party , and we got the biggest finish line welcome I ’ ve ever experienced . It was unreal ! It was also especially awesome being welcomed home by one of my best friends , Angela and her teammate Kimbo , who had smashed the Coaster . We finally got to bed around 11pm on Saturday night , having gone almost 48 hours without any sleep . We were exhausted , but exhilarated !
Images : Courtesy Nicky Booyens , Carla Farina
Reasons for Gratitude
Matt and the team from Pondo and Wildchild Africa ,