Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 169 June 2024 | Page 36



Asking the Question


The stats tell us that the finishing rate of Comrades 2024 returned to the figures that we used to see in the 1980 ’ s , with over 91 % of starters making it home before the 12-hour cut-off . That is great news , and while we have to acknowledge that the course was the shortest ever in the history of the race and the weather gods were kind on the day , I would contend that we now sit with the potential of even greater things to come .

The cut-off times for Comrades 2024 were something of an evolution , being finalised only a very short time before the race , which meant that many runners had little time to appreciate how it could impact their racing approach , but if the Comrades Marathon Association ( CMA ) Board can maintain this runner-first approach , and see the bigger picture , there is every reason to believe the race can regain much of the greatness that was tarnished , if not lost , since 2010 .
Unfortunately , for almost a decade and a half , the event ’ s leadership has gradually eroded many of the key practical markers of the Comrades , and in doing so , the runner experience has been compromised , particularly at the slower end . To fully appreciate the about turn experienced in 2024 , one has to see how the trip down the slippery slope occurred , and how it becomes identified not only in cut-offs , but also in a lack of awareness of people and crowd flow .
The Winds of Change
As hard as change has been over the past decade , it was the furore of 2023 that initiated recognition that things couldn ’ t continue on the same path . It takes more than one person to cause a tragedy , so while the previous Race Director may not have handled the 2023 race in the manner that many expected , we need to acknowledge that he was not the sole decision-maker when ignoring safety

Is Comrades Moving in the Right Direction ?

I really enjoyed the 2024 Comrades Marathon , because it showed that the people working behind the scenes finally appear to be embracing feedback , advice , innovation , and change .
warnings , cut-off concerns , nor deciding upon the return to Kingsmead as a finish venue . All of that would have needed Board approval , and the Race Director would not have been alone in this decision-making process , which is important when considering how hard the changes of 2024 will have been .
When Ann Ashworth was appointed As Race Manager in October 2023 , it is not surprising that it was a short-term solution , as there was insufficient time to go through a full application , selection and interview process before the 2024 race . Equally , there was no-one ( and there remains no-one ) with the necessary technical , running and eventing experience that could be promoted internally for the position . This may sound harsh , but the fact is that had there been such a person in the organisation , then their skills , talents and strength of presence would have prevented the errors , omissions and failures of the event since 2016 in particular . That person clearly does not exist in the current structure , but the incumbent , Ann Ashworth , has in a mere seven months put forward not only cases to counter some of the previous errors by forcing a rethink , but also introduced new concepts and international ideas .
As with every race , 2024 saw some problems , but when over the past 15 years have we seen Comrades make changes that effectively required them to admit they had been incorrect in their initial assessment ? The answer , in my opinion , is never ! That in itself was the source of so many previous challenges , and
Ann Ashworth has been a revelation as Race Manager at Comrades
ISSUE 169 | www . modernathlete . co Comrades . za cut-offs were revised three times this year , thanks to the CMA listening to feedback