Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 169 June 2024 | Page 33


SBBU 2024 stats :

Number of Challengers : 49 ( 45 x 100km , 4 x 100 miles )
Number of Finishers : 42 ( 86 %)
• 40 x 100km ( 89 %)
• 2 x 100 miles ( 50 %)

Home Away From Home

This was the third year running that the Italian Club in Bedfordview was transformed into the ‘ barracks ’ of the Spartan Baby Badass Ultra , with each participating runner setting up camp for the 24 hours of the event – with camping beds , chairs , cooler boxes , food , drinks and more – where they could rest as much as possible between each loop and the dreaded ring of the cowbell to signal the next loop starting . As in previous years , the spirit in the barracks was terrific , but once again , it sometimes looked more like a war zone than ordered military barracks as exhausted runners tried to grab 20 winks , before talking themselves into getting going again . Running for the cause to raise funds for CHOC , made that just a little easier .
Total kilometres run : 4961 Total hours run : 711
Fastest 100km Finisher : Eagle Boy – 10 hours 45 minutes ( average 26:54 per loop )
Average Loop Time : 36:03 for successful 100km Challengers
Fundraising target : R550,000 Total amount raised : R610,000 * (* Fundraising is ongoing )
Some of the SBBU 2024 challengers before the start
Spartan warriors keeping each other company through another loop
The Saffy family made posters and laid out Easter eggs for the SBBU challengers
Checking out all the would-be Spartan Babies of 2024
The loneliness of the long distance cow
Huge thank you to the wellness team who donated their time and resources to keep the runners out on the road
You can find out more about the SBBU at www . sbbu . co . za , and support for the cause is always appreciated at www . givengain . com / project / the-cow-raising-funds-for-the-cows-71410 .