Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 169 June 2024 | Page 13


Rene ’ s Pre-Comrades Thoughts

Some people in South Africa believe that you ’ re not a ‘ real runner ’ until you have run the Comrades Marathon , no matter how many national titles you ’ ve won , or Olympic Marathons you ’ ve run ! Just ask sisters René and Christine Kalmer , who for many years have lit up the South African running scene , from track and cross country , to marathons and shorter ultras , and have both been to the Olympics … and yet still sometimes feel that their Comrades-running husbands are the ‘ real runners ’ in the family . However , in 2024 , they decided to change that !
In our March 2024 edition of the mag , we published a fun Q & A interview with the everlaughing siblings about their big plans for tackling the Comrades . It proved a fascinating story involving wedding anniversary gifts , a Facebook post that spilt the beans , loadshedding on entry deadline day ( while halfway to Mozambique ), and a fair amount of planning around portaloo queues ! Click here to read the article .
Images : Marathon Photos , Christine Kalmer & courtesy René Kalmer
RK : Yes , it was back to reality already the Tuesday after the race . I wore my Comrades T-shirt and my medal to work , but it was too cold in Joburg , so they were underneath my jacket . It was just amazing … When I entered the staff room , I got a standing ovation – I felt like Gerda Steyn ! The work WhatsApp group had been buzzing over the weekend , and everybody was just going wild , so it felt really , really special . And then you actually realise what big impact Comrades plays in South Africans ’ lives .
All the kids were so excited that I ran . I had 1200 kids wish me good luck before the time , and some of them actually came with little papers to my classroom , to write down my race number , so that they could track me . And then thanks to the race being on broadcast , many of them actually saw me on the TV . That made it all the more special for me . Also , knowing that you have the support from the school , really helped during the race : I used the timing mats as motivation , because I knew they were tracking me , and I knew they would be able to see that I was still on my way , and doing good . That was great motivation on the day !
MA : The next question is to do with seconding … Having done 10 years of seconding , which includes fighting through the traffic , trying to find parking , then trying to find runners in the crowds , can you now answer the question whether it is actually easier just to run the race ?
RK : Like I said in our first interview , the proof is in the pudding ... and yes , it ’ s definitely easier running than seconding ! I only had to worry about my own bottles , and I slept a lot better before the race . When I was seconding , I would have sleepless nights for three weeks prior to Comrades , trying to work out everything in my head , especially when I was seconding our Murray & Roberts and KPMG elites . So , it was much , much better just having to worry about my own race .
It was also super special to see all my former clubmates there on the start line . I got to share that with Maretha , Janie and Kate , and we had a lekker tear-jerker moment there on the start line . I was very lucky to have elite seeding , which meant I got to put out my water bottles . For the first time this year , the elites had special drink stations , which Thirsti manned , and that was amazing , it really worked well . Hats off to Ann Ashworth for organising that !
MA : Christine was not able
to run due to injury , and from the pics on social media , it looks like she was alongside the route with your parents , and she was looking after all the kids , while seconding . What was her impression of the day , and what was it like seeing her out there ?
RK : Christine really did her homework , and she
was amazing with the support and the seconding . It ’ s a tough job to do seconding as well as babysitting the kids and grandparents , so hats off to her . I think she deserves a gold medal for that ! Also , her sense of direction is just amazing . But I must share this : Christine said it ’ s much easier to second and support me than the boys … because the traffic isn ’ t that bad closer to the front of the race !
After I finished , we actually went back on the route to look for the boys , and there were just so many people out there ! I think some of them thought I was a bit disorientated , going in the wrong direction , because I hid my medal under my vest . We managed to find Andre at Umlaas , and then we walked back to Camperdown and we found Aiden there , so I got in an extra 15,000 steps after Comrades !
Getting back to the kids … Comrades . is a huge challenge , and having your kids there is an extra
René went back on the route to support family and friends , and bumped into Modern Athlete ’ s Richard Laskey ( who still had 18km to go )
challenge , but it was super special just having them down there and to celebrate with them . But it also meant that the evening before the race , I had to pack their little bags for the day , and it ’ s a long day for them , as well . But it was very special to share it with them . For parents , running the Comrades is a family commitment from everyone , basically for six months , so it was special to share it with the kids .
MA : That brings us to the next question : How did your legs feel after the race ?
RK : They say the ‘ Up Run ’ is much better , because you ’ re not that sore afterwards , but I can ’ t imagine that you can be any more sore than I was on Monday . I was not a pretty sight ! I actually woke up Monday morning at 3am , because I was just in so much pain that I couldn ’ t sleep . And then at 4am , I suddenly felt like a pizza ... and the funny part is , I don ’ t even like Pizza ! But that ’ s what my body was craving at four o ’ clock in the morning . Andre also woke up then , so we had some coffee and rusks and Rehydrate , and just shared some Comrades stories , because we were just in so much pain , and also very , very hungry ! It was really quite special .
MA : I have to ask … what was the topping on this pizza that you were craving ?
RK : I think it was barbecue chicken . My memory of that is not so good , but I remember how sore I was !
MA : OK , the obvious question , and I ’ ll bet that you ’ ve already …
RK : The answer is yes !
MA : Haha , so you know the question before you ’ re even asked … but to make it official : Will you be running Comrades again next year ?
RK : I think I ’ m just on such a high right now , especially because everything went so well , and I definitely want to go back and experience it again . There ’ s also the motivation to see if I can go under seven hours , so that will be the next goal . For me , this year was all about new challenges – starting school again , and also running Comrades – and now I know what to expect from both school and the race . To be honest , I ’ m actually surprised what I was capable of doing at Comrades with the training that I was able to